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209 C H A P. XV Mr. Baxter's Anfwers to fome of our Argum. for Impu- tation , examined. MR. Baxter , in his book againtl D. Tully propofeth fome Objecti- ons, that he may make anfwere unto them , according to his own Grounds : Though fome things , here repeated in his anfwers, ha- ve been already confidered by us ; yet we fhall examine briefly his anfwers, as here given. His anfwere to the firfi Objetlion hath been examined , in the foregoing Chaps. The 2. is this. Chrifi as called tin Lord our Righteoufnefs , .dJr He is made Righteoufnefs to us , dr^' we are made the Righteoufnefs of God in Him. 2 Cor. 5: 2i. & by the Obedience of one many are made Righteous. He anfweteth to this faying, And are we not all agreed of all this ? But can His Righteouf ìtefs be ours no way but by the forefaid perfonatìng R,rprefentation. Anf And will not Socinians ; who o- verturn all the foundations ot Chriilianity, and ought not be called , or accounted Chriftians , fay the fame , as to the Scripture- exprefíions ? are we therefore agreed with them in judgment ? or is there no difference be- twixt-us : His not agreement in the words , but in the feule of Scripture, that maketh a true- agreement ( 2. ) Christ's Righteoufnefs may be, and is Ours another way , than by that Perfonating and Reprefentating , which he [la- ted , as the butt of his arguments & another way alCo, than he propofeth as his own judgment, as we faw. He tels us next , how Chrift is our Righteoufnefs , & how His obedien- ce maketh us Righteous, in his judgement , in S or 9 particulars. i. Be- caufe the very Law -of Innocency , which we difhonoured Is broke by fin , is per - fefly fulfilled e honoured .by Hinz, as a Mediator , to repaire the injurie, done by our brea`ingit. Anf. The Law , which the Devils difhonoured & broke by fin , was perfeEtly honoured & fulfilled by the Angels , who flood ; is therefore their Righteoufnefs to be called the devils? But he will fay; They obeyed not, as Mediator; True: But then the ground of Chrift Righteoufnefs, becoming ours , mull be fome other thing,than His honouring that Law by fulfilling 1E , which we difhonoured by breaking. But he faith, Chrifirepaired the injurie , done by our breaking it True ; yet if there be no more , that will not make His Righteoufnefs ours; becaufe , as is obvious , ere this be , we mull have an Intereft therein ; & this obedience mull be performed by Him, as our Mediator & Surety , undertaking & Satiffying the demands of the Law for us, & in our [lead. 2. In that (faith he) He fufered to fatiffae juflice for our fin. Anf. Nei-: Cher is fuffering, as fetch, Righteoufnefs.; Nor could He fatiffie juftice for our fin , in & by fuffering, if He had not done it in our [lead, & as one Perlon with us in Law. If Titius [teal from Sempronius a boon. Pound i & Msvius givius Sempronius a I000. Pound upon fome diílina account; Sem- promises