Same Arg. vindicated from Mr. Baxter's exceptions. C H A P. i 4. of this Surety- ríghteoufnefs made theirs. Nor hear we any clear giound laid down by him , whereupon Chritt's Righteoufnefs can be called Ours, & we thereupon be reputed of God legally Righteous , & dealrwith as fuch. We hear of Benefites beftowed becaufe of His Merites ; But we hear not that Pardon and Right to Glory are made the Immediat refuit and effeét of Chrift's Merites & Righteoufnefs , but only mediat , by the lnterveening of the New Covenant, whereby our Faith , the condition thereof , called our Gofpel Perfonal Righteoufnefs, is made the Immediat caufe of our po(fef- fing thefe benefites ; whereby he giveth occafion , at leaft , to j: :udge , that he maketh our faith the Immediat procuring & Metitorius Caufe of Pardon and Right to life. However between his way & that , which he here re- jeEteth (which we alto rejeEt,neither afferting,that Chritt was our Inffrumen- tal Second caufe: nor claiming a crick propriety in the fame Numerical Habites &c. which were in Chrift as if we became Subjects of the fame Accidents, fpeaking of what Chrift did & (offered , in a Phycal fenfe ) we know , & owne a Midway , whereby Chrift's Obedience & Suffering, con - fidered not Phyfically , but legally & juridically , are tranfferred & commu- nicated unto us , not as Phyfical accidents , from one Phyfìcal fubject to ano- ther, but in a Law & juridical fenfe. And though this Imputing & com- municating of Chrift's Surety - righteoufnefs cannot be explained by, not appear confiif'centwith Logical or Metaphyfical Not ons, applicable only, to Phyfcal Entities, & as confidered as fuch ( to w h Mr. Baxter in all his Explications of this matter , doth fo frequently aboure to reflrick us, contrary to all Reafon , Yea and to Common fente ) Yet we muff owne it for a truth , knowing that thefe fundamental truthes , recorded in Scripture, and held forth to us only by divine Revelation , (land in no teed of Ari- flotle's learning in order to their being Savingly underílood & practifed; And that Law_termes are more fit , to help us to force underítanding in this matter, which is hold forth in Scripture , as a juridical act, than Meta- , phvfical termes: and yet we fee no grouted to fay , that this matter, whe- reof we treat, muff, in all points, keep even a refemblance unto gap.. Asian's modes, knowing that it isadivine Ivlyffery, and unparallelable.. He faith z. He that is made Rghteoufnefs unto us, is alfo made mtfdom, Sanc- tification , Redemption to ur, but that fub genere caufæ Efñcientis, non autem conftitutivae : We are not the SubjeEts of the fame lelurnericalta'ifdom and f-ìolinefs , which is in Chrift , plainly the Queflion is , whether Chrifl or Bis Righ- teoufnefs Holir..efs, Merites and Satisfatlion , be our Righteoufnefs conflitutivly, or only efficiently. The matter and forme ofChrift's perfonal Rig.hteoufnefr is ours, as an efficient caufe ; but it is neither the neereft matter, nor the forme of that Righ- teoufnefs, which it Ours , as the fubjel!c of it, that is, it is not aConflitutive caufe, neaty material , or formal of it. Anf. ( i.) It is true, He, who is nia- de Righteoufnefs to us, is alto made Sanctification , &c- and that He is made Sanaificationby being an Efficient caufe : but it will not follow , that He muff be alto the Efficient caufe, and no other of our Righteoufnefs, which is of a far other Nature, and is no Inherent inwrought thing, as is Sanctification. (a. ) it is true, we are not the Subjects of the fame nume- rical