C H A P. t 5. Some Arg. vindicated from Mr. Baxter s exceptions. 2 I5. rical \S(lifdomand Holinefs , which is in Chrift , neither can we be, if they be confidered Phyfically : but yet we can be Subjeéts of the fame Numeri- cal Righteoufnefs, Legally and juridically confidered ; & thus we are to confider it here , & not Phyfically however Mr. Baxter , ad naufeam ufgtie inculcat this ; for we confider it , and muff confider it, as a Surety -righ- teoufnefs ; & we know that that fame Individual payment and Satisfathon, made by the Surety , is in Law - fenfe the Debtor's , and imputed to him , as the ground of his liberation from trouble and diftrefs at the hands of the Creditor. (3.) Hence we fee , that Chrift's Surety- righteoufnefs, confiftingin His Obedience and Sufferings is that whereby we are conii- tuted Righteous in the fight of God , in a legal fenfe : and need not enquire, whether it be the neerefl matter , or forme or both of our Righteoufnefs for thefe Metaphyfical termes have no place here , though Mr. Baxter can never hold of them. We are made Righteous in a Law- fenfe, & not Phy- fically, by Chrift's Imputed Righteoufnefs , and upon this account , it is ours legally : & it is folly, to enquire for Phyfical matter, and forme or Con - ftitutive caufes of Moral or juridical Beings, or Eae s , as Phylofophers do, when fpeaking of Phyfical , or of Metaphyfical beings. He faith 3. If our Union with Chrift were Per[ònal (making us the fame per - fon ) then doubtlefs the accidents of his perfon would be the accidents of ours : & fa not only Chrifi''R.:ghteoufnefs, but every Chriflians , would be each of ours. But that it not fo , nor is it fò given us by him. 'Inf. We acknowledge no Union with Chrift , [nuking us the fame perfon with Him Phyfically ( & it feemeth Mr. Baxter will underftand it no otherwayes ) But we acknowledge an Union legal , Political , & foederal, whereby we become one perfon juridical, in Law - fenfe : and as to this , Mr. Baxter's accidents have no fubílantial place or Confìderation. The 4. Object is, you do feem to fuppofe , that we have none of that kind of Righteoufnefs at all, which confifteth in Perfedt Obedience & Holinefs; but only a Right to Impunity and Life, with an Imperfed Inherent Righ- teoufnefs in our felves. The Papifts are forced to confefs , thata Righteouf- nefs we muff have , which confifteth in a Conformity to the preceptive part of the Law , & not only the Retributive partaut they fay, it is in our (elves, and we fay , It is Chrift's Imputed to us. Thus he propofeth it, but if I were forming the objedion , I would fay , That Mr. Baxter Suppofeth , we ha- ve no Righteoufnefs at all in order to jufti fication , betide our Ad of Faith: for as for his Right to Impunity and life , it is no Righteoufnefs : & befide, I hope he will not fay , that that is given before juflitication ; & of a Righ- teoufnefs preceeding (in order of Nature, at leaft) juttification , we are fpeaking, & enquireing after it. What he anfwereth to this Objetlion, in the firfi place , becaufe it only concerneth Papilles , & their Mifapprehenfions, in the matter, I paffe. But 2. he faith , If any of them do, as you fay , no wonder, if they you contend: If one fay, we are innocent, or finlefs, in reality; & the other, we are fo by Imputation , when we are fo no way at all , but finners really, d? fo reputed. An f. If by Innocent, or fnlefr , h: mean fuch , as never finned , never Man , C c z Prote-