Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C H A P. 1 5. some Arg. vindicated from Mr. Baxter's exceptions. 21 5 Righteous inherently by his faith , or by his fulfilling of the Conditions of theNew Covenant ; for there is not a third : or that he is prononnced Righ- teous without a Righteoufnefs. The 6. objeîl. Thus you make the Meatus culpa not pardoned at all, but on- ly the ßeatur po:n e. To this he faith i. If by Reatus culpa be sneaned the Re= lation of a firmer, as he is revera peccator , q r fo tó be reus it to be revera ipfe qui peccavit , then:rve muß confider, what you 'mane by Pardon : for if you meant the nullifyingof fuch a guilt ( or Reality ) it is iinpojjible; becaufe necefitate exiftentia , he that bath once finned , r.'ill be full tie perfon that finned , while he is a perfon , & the relation of orfe that finned will cleave to him. It will eter- nally be a true propof tion, [ Peter, d7 Paul did fin. ] But if by pardon you mean . the pardoning of all the penalty which fur that fin is due ( damni vel fenfus ) fo it it pardoned ; 41' this is indeed the Reatus poenx ; not only the penalty, but the duenefs of that penalty , or the obligation to it is remitted -and nullified. An f. The nullifying of the Reatus culpa phyfically or metaphyfically is indeed Impofli ble; for it will bealwayes true that fuch & fuch perfons did finne : but this Reatusculp.e may and muff be nullifieji legally and juridically , otherwife ne- ver shall man be jufiified : for.ìn juftiñcatìon this Reatus culpe is declared to be taken away ; for the man is declared non-reur , & accepted as not-guilty or Righteous ; not phyfically , or Metaphyfically , but legally : a man mutt be legally Righteous before he be juftified , according to equity ; & he can- not be legally Righteous , as long as the Reatus culpa doth legally remaine fora man legally guilty , is not legally Righteous. Now , Mr. Baxter mutt` yeeld to this , or h shall defiroy his own ground , and take away all pardon, as well as jut ification for as it will be eternally.true , that Peter & Pau/did finne, &fo were rei culpa; fo it'will be eternally true , that punishment was due unto them , that is , they were rei pcene : & therefore , if becaufe- it will be eternally true , that Peter & Paul Tinned , therefore the Reatus cul pe cannot be a.iinulled ; fo becaufe it will be eternally true , that Peter & Paul were obnoxious & liable topunishment , therefore alto the Reatus pee- 74e cannot be annulled. But the truth lyeth here, that though neither the- Rçatusculpe for ptrnacan be annulled phyfically or metaphyfically, that is, . fo taken away, as if they never had been; yet both are taken away legally Sc juridically , and a pardoned man is legally and juridically non puniendus, & thus the grates pence is taken away : and a juflified _man is legally and juri- dically , not -guilty of the offence charged againfl him , & thus the Reatur- culpa is taken away. As it is inconfftent with pardon, to fay, that the petfon pardoned doth legally remaine obnoxious to punishment, though is will be eternally true , that he is the man , that did contra& that duenefs opbnoxioufnefs : fo it is inconfiftent with jnftification to fay, that the perfon juflified is legally chargable with the offence , though it will be eternally true, that he is the man , that did contrae that guilt & fin. He faith. z. Therefore if by Reatus culpx , you'meane an obligation to prr> nirh rent for that fault , this , being in deed the reatus Foe rare , is done away. So that we are , I think, all agreed de re ; ds' de nomine ; your may fay,, that the- Keatus culpa isdone array or remitted, or not, In feveral fenfes ;. in fe it is not C c 3, nsul