t I6 Same Arg. vindicated from Mr, Baxter's exception. C H A P. 15 nullified , nor can be , but as duenefr of punishment followeth that it pardoned; 4nf. The fieatur culp,eis the ground of the obligation to punishment , & not the fame with keatus peen, e; it is a being chargable with fuch a crime & of- fence; and this , as we laid, much be as well done away , in a legal fenfe, as the obligation to punishment : Nay , in our cafe , the obligation to pu- nishment cannot be taken away , untill firfc this chargablenefs with the in be removed. The Lord will not declare that man non.obliged to punishment, who remaineth legally and Juridically reas eulp e & chargable with the cri- me. And fo long as we differ herein , we are not agreed de re , nor de nomi- ne. The R.eattcs culp&, in fe , is as well nullified, in a legal fenfe, as the Reatus pcena ; and neither the one, nor the other can be otherwayes nullified. But I fee , Mr. Baxter is fo for pardon , as to defiroy all.Juflification , or he thin - keth that Pardon and Juftification are all one thing, and by both nothingis ta- ken away , but the obligation to punishment ; and thus the pardoned and juflified perfon is Hill chargable with the fin ; & the obligation to punish. ment is taken away , where the charge of guilt remaineth : and thus God is fuppofed to jufliñea perfon , that is not juflifiable , except by an iniquous fentence. Yea , hereby we have the Socinian pardon owned , but not the orthodox pardon : for the Socinian Pardon can well confifl with this charga- blenefs of guilt , becaufe they acknowledge no Satisfaction , to remove the keatus culp,c: but the orthodox pardon doth prefuppofe the removal in a legal fenfe , of the guilt or chargablenefs of fin , and is a Native confequent thereof: for becaufe of Satisfaction made by the Surety , Chrift , and the fame now imputed to the fanner , and made his guilt is taken away , & he is no more chargable with that guilt but looked upon as Righteous ; and therefore all obligation to punishment is actually removed , & he is no me- re obnoxious thereto in Law being rettus in curia. Object. 7. You have Paid , that though we are not perfonally , but femi- nally in Adam , when he finned , yet when we are perlons , we are perlons guilty of his actual fin. And fo we mutt be perlons , that are partakers of Chrift's actual Righteoufnefs, and not only of its effects, as loon as we are beleevers; for Chrifl being the fecond Adam & publick perfon, we have our part in His Righteoufuefs , as truely, and as much , as in Adam's fin: His anfwere to this is long. He faith. I. Our Covenant Union & Interefi fup- pofeth our Natural Union dr Interefl , e it it an adding to God's word & Covenant, to fay , that He Covenanted , that Adam should perfonat each one of his pofterity, in God's imputation, or'account, any further than they were naturally in him ; fo that his innocency or fin should be reputed theirs , as far , as if they had been perfonally the Subjects do* Agents, AnJ. If the Covenant Union & IntereH fup- pofeth the Natural Union & IntereH, then there is a Covenant Union and IntereH hereto be confidered : and therefore it can be no adding ro God's word or Covenant , to fay , That Adam did perfonat each one of his pofte- rity fccderally , as well as Naturally : Yea , to deny this were a corrnpting of truth , & a denying of all Covenant - Union & IntereH. Whence it is manifelt, that in a Federal or legal fenfe, we muff needs fay , that Adam's Innocency, or fin is reputed ours, as far as if we had been perfonally ( not phyfically , but legally) the Subjects & Agents. If Mr. Baxter shall prove, that