Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

2.1 8 Some Arg. vindicated from Mr. Baxter's exceptions. C H A P. LS, meaning be , that the Communication of a guilty Nature, by the peccatum originale originaturn., is the fundamentum of the following perfonal fault and guilt , by reafon of the peccatum originale originans ; that is, if he fray, that the corrupted Nature is the ground of the Imputation of Adam's tranfgref- fion , it is not confonant to truth , nor to what himfelf Paid above gag 34, againft Placeus. But if he meane , that Adam's Generation being the corn, municatïon of a guilty Nature , is the fundamentum, that next follow,eth his perfonal guilt , charged on him by Law , I mutt fay , I do not underftand what he would be at, though the words feem to exprefs fome fuch thing. But the truth , that I shall, lay down , is this ; That all Adam's pofterity , being federally in him , finned in him , and fell with him , in his fifft tranfgreflion; by verrue whereof, when they come phyfìcally by natural Generation , to partake of his Nature , they are fitft , in order of Nature guilty of Adam's tranfgreflion , and then have a corrupt Nature communicated , as a punish- ment and confequent ofthe other ; & this Corrupt Nature being fin , hath its own guilt attending it alfo. (3) Though this long feries of Efficient cau- fes be requifite to the production of a diftind numerical perfon from Adam's. perfon , in a phyfical and natural fenfe; yet every one of thefe phyfically diftin t numerical perfons do imme,dratly derive from Adam their legal and foederal perfonaliries, that is, thefe fame perfons, confidered foederally, are equally and alike neer to Adam , their federal Head and Reprefentative: And therefore the guilt of Adam's fin cometh from him immedratly to each one of them, feederally confidered; and is confequently, the fame nume- rical guilt: and all this is founded upon their Federal Union with , and In- tereft in Adam. He faith. 2. And it is not the fame fort of guilt , or fo plenary , which it in ur, for Adam's adi, as was on him ; but a guilt Analogical, or ef another fort, that is, he was guilty of being the wilfull finning perfon , èi fo are not we ; but only of being perlons , whole being is derived by Generation from the wilful finning perlons ( befides the guilt of our own inherent pravity ) that is , the Rela- tion is fuch , which our perfon have to Adam's perfon, as makes it juß with God to defert us , and to punish us for that & our gravity together. This is our guilt of original fin. Anf. (I) Hereby that original fin,, whereof we are fpeaking here, vii. Adam's breach of Covenant, feemeth quite to be taken away: for not only is it Paid, that original fin ,.as inus, is another fort of thing, than what it was in Adam; and fo not only not the fame numerically (as he formerly,faid) but not the fame fpecifically : but moreover is is faid to be only an Aralogicttl guilt : yea in end it is made juft nothing ; for it is faid, that we are guilty of being perfonr, trho fe derived from the wilful' finning perfonr, and this is no guilt at all ; no mans limple being let it be by gene- ration from the molt prodigioufly guilty and wicked perlons, that can be, can be imputed to him for guilt; for his receiving a being is contrary to no Law. And betide, when he addeth by way of Explication, that the R,el- tion is filch, which our perfons have to Adam's perfon , as mákes it full with God to deferte us , he muff either make the fimple Relation to b the guilt , or the ground of guilt, and itsImputation. The SimpleRelation, without fome guilt