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C x A P. 15. Some Arg. vindicated from Mr. Baxter's exceptions, 219 guilt following it , and founded upon it , cannot make it juft with God to defert us &c. For fin only can do this , & that Relation is not fin. If he fay, That guilt isSuperadded, & upon this account , it is juif with God thus to punish. I would ask, what is this guilt: It is not Adam's fin, butfome analogical thing , which Scriptureknoweth nothing of, and Reafon can gi- ve us no account , whence it came. He cannot fay, that it came from Adam's fin , for if we be federally united to & Interefed in Adam (as we are , & as he confefled we were ) and if upon that account we be reputed guilty , the fame Individual guilt , which was on Adays , muft be upon us ; and if our guilt be of another fort , he mutt give us another Adam , from whom that other analogical fort floweth. The Scripture faits, that we all finned in A- dam Isom. 5: 12. which were not truth , if his individual fin were not ours, or if ours were of another fort , and only analogical. But this is the fruit of Mr. Baxter's caning all thefe things in Ariflotle's mould. But moreouer (2) It bath a foule afped towards relagíansfrne , to make our guilt another, than Adam's, becaufe that Adam was the wilful finning perfon, and fo are not we : for this is to confirme the Pelagians , who fay , that that fin was only Adam's , becaufe he was the only wilfully finning perfon , & we had no will therein. 3. He faith. And this guilt cometh to us by Natural propagation, and refultan- cie from our very Nature fo propagated. AnJ: It is true , we come to be aEtual- ly charged with this guilt , & to have it imputed to us , when we partake of our beings by Natural Generation or propagation ; and that becaufe of our federal Union with & Intereft in Adam ; and exclufive of this , it cannot be laid to come to us by refultancy from our very Nature fo propagated : for the guilt of all Adam's after- Tranfgreffions should as well be faid to come toes , after this manner , as the guilt of that one Tranfgrefliorr & Difobedience, of which only the Scripture maketh mention RZorn. 5. He cometh next to confider our contrary Inrereff in Chrift, & tels us r. Our perfons are not the fame as Chrifl's perfon (nor Cbrifi's as ours ) nor ever fo judged3or accounted of God. Anf. Phyfically this is true ; but it is not true le- gally : for when he came in the Law -place of the Elect , & become Surety for -them , they and he became one perfon in Law. He faith 2. Our perfons were not Naturally feminally ¿c'virtually in Chrifl's perfon ( any further than Ke is Creator e Cau fe of all things) as they were in Adanz's. Anf. Adam was a na- tural Head , our Lord is a Spiritual & Supernatural Lead : & as to this, we willingly grant a difference; but both were Federal Heads & Publick Per- fons , & their agreement in this fatisfieth us. He faith 3. Therefore we deri- ve not R ghteou fnefs from Him by Generation, but by His voluntary donation and contrafi. An( We derive it from Him by Regeneration;. that is, as we partake of Adanz's guilt, when by Generation we partake ofa Natural being; fo we partake of Chrif's Righteoufnefs , when by Regeneration we partake ofa fpiritual beingin Him. And there is no new formalcontraét made here anent , but what is futable to the Nature of this privilege, in order to its conveyance. He faith 4. as He became not our Natural parent fo our perfons, not being in Chei ji, when He obeyed , are not reputed to have been in Him natu- D d rally