2.26 Mr. Baxter's further oppo fition to Imput. examined. C HAP. 16, vered already, & will further appear by what will hereafter come to be fpo. ken undo. C H A P. XVI. Mr. Baxter's Further oppofition to the Imputation of Chrifl's Righteouf efs examined. Hat Mr. Baxter'r opinion is , about the Imputation of the Righ. teoufnefs of Chrift , in order to our justification , we have hither- to been enquireing; & though, in his book againft D. Tully,, while he is giving an hiftorical relation of the Controverfie , he plainely e- nough declareth, that he is of the judgment (as to the maine) with John Goodwine : yet he there ( as v. e have heard ) fo ftateth the queslion, againft mhtch he difputeth , as the Orthodox will not owne it ; wherein he dealeth not fo ingenuoufly ¡with us , as Mr. Goodrvine did; Ele will not deny , that there is a midway betwixt the Socinianr , Papißs & Arminian; , on ithe one hand & the Ancinomianr on the other ; though the Middle way , which he hath fet down in his Confey. pag. 152. 153. &c. feemeth tome not be the jult orthodox way , but to incline more unto the Socinianr &c. for all the Im- putation , which he feemeth to owne , is nothing elfe , than what Papifir; Socinianr & Arminianr , will fubfcribe unto :- for ( befide what we have feen &examined above Chap. XIII. & XIV') in his book againft Mr. Cartwright pag. 179. he hath thefe words. .1 have ßi1! c nowledged the imputation of Chrifi'sP.jghteoufnefs, fanofenfu. And what ou d fenfe is, he tels us ina parenthefis , that is ( faith he) 1. per Donationén ejus fruEtus and, 2. per adju- dicationem juftithe nobis inde promeritce, that is to fay, by giving us the fruits thereof & 2. by adjudging to us Righteoufuefs, thereby purchafed : which two feem tome , to be but one , the laß being comprehended in the firft : & fo all the Imputation by him granted, is only in refpea of the fruits the-, reof, which are given. And will not Papißs, Socinianr & Arminian; yeetd unto this Imputation Nay doth not Bellarmine come a further length, in the /words formerly cited ? Mr. Baxterin his CatholickTheol. part 2. ofMoral morns, giveth us here & there, while (peaking of other things , without any apparent Connexion (chooling this way rather , than to give us his whole fenfe of that matter in one place together , which might have been fome Bale to fuch, as ,were de- firous CO know the fame : but I know, he is at liberty to follow his own wayes & methods) Tome hints of his mind ; and that rather of his ditfatis- faction with the orthodox, and their manner of expretliing their Thoughts &Conceptions, in this matter, than any full & pofitive declaration of his own Thoughts about the queftion. We shall, having feen & examined his own judgment, shortly here examine what he is pleafed to fay , in one pla- ce or other of that Bo611 fo far as we can finde, & may be done without repe- tition, againft our doótrine. Only, i