C H A P. I%. Mr. Baxter's farther oppofition to Imput. examined. 227 Only we fhall premix forne few of his own words , in the Appendix to the Premonition p. 2. whereby we may fee , how fmall the difference would ap- pear to be; & how little caufe he had to write fo much againft the Ortho- dox , as he doth. He there faith. [ 14. No man is faved or juftified, but by the Proper Merite of Chrift's perfeei obedience; Yea and His habitual holinefs & Satirfzdory Sufferings advanced in dignity by His DivinePerfedion: This Merite,as related to us, fuppofeth that Chrift , as a Sponfòr , was the Second Adam, the Root of the juftified, the Reconciling Mediator, who ob- eyed perfectly with that Intent , that by His obedience, we might be jufli Pied ; & who {offered for ourfins , in our room and (lead ; & fo was , in tan - turn our Vìcarius pcenee, as fame phrafe it , or Subflirute, & was made a cur - fe for us , that we might be healed by his ftripes; as He was Obedient , that His Righteoufnefs might be the reafon, as a Meritorious Caufe , of our ju- ttification, which Suppofeth, the relation of an Undertaking Redeemer in our Nature , doing this , & in our fiead , fo far forth, as that therefore, perfect obedience fhould not be neceffary to be performed by ourfelves. And Righ- teoufnefs therefore is Imputed to us , that is , we are tritely reputed Righ- teous, becaufe we , as beleeving members of Chrift, have right t.o Impu- nity & life , as merited by His righteoufnefs , & freely given to all peni- tent beleevers. And ChrifI's own Righteoufnefs may be laid fo far to be Im- puted to us , as to be reckoned & reputed the Meritorious caufe of our Right & jufli &cation, as aforefaid. ] One might think the difference now to be little , or none: but all this is but Sutable to what is already examined, and what might here further be animadverted upon, will occurre hereafter. He beginneth Sell. 8. n. 119. to (peak againft the Doctrine of Imputation, taught by the Orthodox. I (hall yeeld to him ,that Chrifi's perfonal R,ighteouf- nefs, Divine or Humane, Habitualatlive, orPaffive, is not given to ur , or ma- de ours , truely and properly, in a Phyfcal fenfe; as if the fame were transfu- fed in & upon us. Yet , the fame, being Imputed to us, is made ours, mo- re than in the meer Effects: for according to the Gofpel methode, belee- vers, being by Faith intereffed in Him, have an Intereft in His Surety -righ- teoufnefs , as to its vertue, force and efficacy , or as the caufe , and that mo- rally and legally ; fo that Chrift and beleevers are one perfonin Law. Nor do we hereby fay ; That Ch. rift's Merite & Satisfaction are reput. d by God, to be inherent in us , or done by us , in our own proper perfons ; or that in a fen- ce Natural we did all then things ourfelves , nr that God judged) us fo to have done, or that all the Benefrtes ofChrifl's RJí hteoufnefs(hall as fully and Immediatly be ours, as if we bad beers, dr done d.9 , Suffered, merited and Satisfied, in and by Chilli. But we fay , that Chrift being a Surety, & putting himfelf in our Law - place & putting (as it were) His name in 'our Obligation, being thereunto Subllittite by, and accepted of the Father,His Satisfaction & obe- dience, being performed by Him, iii our Law- place, as a Surety volunta- rily taking on the obligation , is accounted , in Law and juftice, to be ours, who beleeve in Him, to all ends and ufes, that is , in order to juftifica- tion , pardon , and Right to Glory ; and that, as effectually , as if we our fef es, in our own pexfons, had done and Suffered all. When Mr. Baxter E e confouu-