Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

28' Mr. Baxter's further oppofition to Imput. examined. C zI A P. t 64 confoundeth and jumbleth thefe together, as if they were the fame, he neither befriendeth Truth , noraus. Nor will it follow from our afl'ertion ,(as he fupptfeth n. 123. ) that then we couldn edno Pardon: for though he , who is reputed to be Innocent , by ful- filling all the Law , in his own phyfical perfon., be reputed never to have fin- ned by Omif lion , or Commiflìon ; & confequently to need no pardon : yet he , who is a transgreffour, & confequently hath forfeited all right to the Reward , Be is obnoxious to the Penalty , hath need of a Remiffion, through his Suretie's making SatisfaCtion ; & ofa new Tide to Glory , through his Suretie's Obedience. So that the Non-neceffity of Pardon will no more fol- low from our do trine of Imputation than from our doctrine of the Satis- faCtion of Chriff , whatever Socinians think , who plead as vehemently from. free Remiffion againft this , as Mr. Baxter doth upon the fame ground, againft Imputation. But when any fay , that Chrift's Sacrifice fatisfied for all our fins, that they may be forgiven ; & I-Iis Righteoufnefs is Imputed , that we may alfo be ac- counted juif , he thinketh , ( n. i zz. ) that this it but either ambiguity , or the fore deteaed grofs contradiaion. And why fo : for ( faith he ) if by juflice, they mean reputed frnlefnefs', or perfeElion, then thefe two cannot fland together; for he that is fuppofed a finneris fuppofed not finlefs , or perfect; & he that is fuppofed finlefs , cannot be fuppofed pardonable. Atli. By juflice , or being ac- counted jua we mean Righteous , orretfusincuria, in order to the Reward promifed : and when full obedience is imputed to this end , we do not fay, that God reputeth fuck finlefs, that is, loch as, in their own phyfical per - fons , gave perfect obedience ; for fuch indeed need no pardon : but that now God reputeth them fuch as are Righteous , and have Right to the Re- ward, through the perfeft Righteoufnefs of Chrift Imputed : and this car - rieth no shew of Repugnancy to pardon of fins, through the Satísfa Lion of thrift. But (n. 123.) he tell us, that force think to avoid the Contradiction by diftinguishing only of the moments of Nature, & double refpeti of the fame Mans t4Elions, faying , that we are firfit in order of Nature fuppofed to be linnets ir pardoned , dM then to be fuck , as moreover need the Reputation of Innocency ,. or Righteo ufnefs,tobich is added to pardon. What neceffity there is for this curious diftinguifhing of Order & Priority whether in refpeCt of Nature or of Time, I do not yet fee. And whether we fay , we are firft pardoned, & then reputed Righteous ; or firft reputed Righteous, & then pardoned (which would feem nioft rational of the two) it is all one to Mr. Baxter . who equally argueth againft both. But though I fee no neceffity ofaferting any,At.lipfe orders ( Save that though the fifi thing , that a wakened fin - ner is ar on & freedom from the Curse; Yet it is more rational to fay, the"Reatus culpe is firft taken away , and not the Meatus pxne) yet I fee a neceffity of alerting both the Imputation of Chrift's Satisfaction , in order to our pardon; & of His Obedience , in order to our obtaining Right to the Inheritance ( and both thefe Mr. Baxter comprehendeth in jollification, is we (hall hear) or.of both His Satisfation and obedience, or of His com- pleas