2y) Mr. Baxter's further oppofitáon to imput. examined. C H A r. IS, alfo for his new fin) & yet the obligation to obey for time to come remai- ned. But all this is betide the purpofe ; for the maine thingis notyet noticed by Mr. Baxter vii. That Adam by his fin was obliged to fufter, & that yet there was no way for him to come to the promifed Crown , but by perfea obedience to that Law : & that therefore neither he , or any of his pofteri- ty, can enjoy life, untill their Surety fiilfillthat Law for them , or under= take ro do it : as they cannot be freed from Suffering , until! their Surety fuffer the penalty for them or undertake to do it. We need not fpeak fo. unaptly , as he fuppofeth we do , that is fay , that the Law commanded). lapfed man, not to haze fin , or imperfett man, to have been perfect ; for we know,. that were to binde to an Impoifibility in Nature ; for tin exiftert cannot but be exiftent. But this we fay , That by vertue of®that Law & conflitution,. there was no way for lapfed man to enjoy the Reward- promifed , but by yeelding perfedt obedience unto that Law ; and as this was Impofïible in Nature,.- fo was it impoflible for lapfed man to enjoy the Reward & the- refore the Lord provided a Surety , who should, yeeld perfedtobedience unto that Law ; & this perfedt Obedience is made over unto the Beleever, & put upon his fcore , as well as the Sureties Sufferings are. But faith he, ifChrift's perfect Obedience and holinefr be imputed unto them from their firfl being, then they are reputed not lapfed , norfinners from the beginning, dr fo not par- donable. Anf. Tyre is no neceflity for Inch a Reputation ; for this is, not the end of that Imputation : It is Imputed, in order to their obtaining a Rightzothe Reward , which was loft ; & by vertue hereof, thud() obtai- ne the Reward , as certainly , as if they had never finned. - Others ( hefaith n. 126,) would come neerer the matter", lk fay , that we are reputed Righteous , as fulfillers of the Law ; & yet reputed -. finners as treakers of the Law : & that though there be no mediu,n in Naturals betwixt kig.ht & darknefs, life & death ; yet there is betwixt a breaker of the Law & a. flulfihlerof it, v. a Non-fulfiller ; & between juft &unjuft, that is, not juft.. l Anf. I FindeWollsbius in his Compend. Tbeol. Lib, z. Cap. 3o. §. 15. full & pplaine, as to this, who, in order to prove, that in juftification , there is Remiflion , or Abjudication of fins & Imputation or Adjudication of a, perfeét Righteoufuefs : & that though thefe twò' benefites be the fame, as to Time & Subjects; yet they are really diftindt, both as to their proper de- finitions , their proxime Caufes, & proper Effedts : & in clearing of the difference, as to their definitions, he telsus, that there is a difference be- twixt not jufi & fuft; net juft & ut,juft; not unjufl & jujt : & that no: jut} & jufîare contradictory ; that unjufl & jolt are partly privative, & partly contrary; & that net juß, & unjuft; & unjuft & full are diverfe: as alto , that.unjuft & juji are not immediatly contrary ; for there is Medium betwixt -them 'ci,t. Innocent, who is fuch an one, as is neither unjuft, nor yet lull : and that though now thefe two do not differ, as to Subjedts; yet ofold they did; for Adam in Paradife, before he fell, was innocent, but was not jult ; for he was to obtaine this by perfect Obedience. Now . what faith Mr. Baxter to this ?" Lie faith z, this ìr meer darknefs, As it feemeth all things are that agree., tint,