lr 32 Mr. Baxter's further oppoßtion to Imput. examined. C H A P. 16. 3. He faith , That he maintaineth , as well as we , that Chrifi bath not only fatisfled for fin , d.7 merited pardon ; but alfo merited immutable Glory. 4nf. But we fay fur! her, than He merited pardon & Immutable glory, not by His death & foffer.n;s only , but by His whole Surety- righteoufnefs, con- fining in Active & Paflìve Obedience, whereby He paid our whole debt. But he willeth us to confider. 1. That Adam's not doing that which was to merite glory , was fin of OmifJion , and to pardon that Orniff on it to take him as a Me- riter of Glory. 2. Therefore it mutt be f mewhat more than he forfeited by that OmilJion and his Commsffion , which cometh in by Mill's merite above forgive - nefr. 3. That Chrifl merited all thir by his' attive, Paff ive d9' habitual Righte-. oufnefr , by which he merited pardon. 4. That st was not tve, that merited in Him, but He to give it to us only in the termer of a Law of Grace. lint: (1) To par- don that Omiffion in Adam , was not to take him , as a Meriter of Glory; but only to take him , as one that was free of the obligation to punishment for that Orniffion. It is falfe then , tofuppofe or fay , that one pardoned, as fuch , is taken to be one that never finned; for the contrary is manifefi; & to take Adam , as a Meriter of Glory , is to take him for one , that ne- ver finned ; yea , & for one , that fulfilled his courfeof obedience ; which can never be fuppofed of a pardoned man , as filch. (i.) That by Chrifl's Merites the E1edobtaine more , than what Adam forfeited ( to fpeak fo ) I shall eafily grant ; but notwithftanding thereof we flood in need of more, than of meer forgivenefs , even ofa Right to what Adam loft the expectation of; and in order to this , the Law was to be fulfilled (3) I yeeld the 3d. (4) Though we need not fay , that we Merited in Him , yet we fay , That Chriftmerited, as a Publick Perfon , reprefenting His own , & as a Spon- for and Surety , coining in their Law - place, and taking on their whole debt, both as to punishment deferved, and Duty required. Andi fee no warrand to fay , that Chrifi only merited to give it to us', only on the termes ofa Law of Grace : for this would make Him no Sponfor, or Surety , nor to Rand in the room ofany ( which yet he granteth n. i 3o.) but only hold Him forth, as a third unconcerned perfon , no wayes related to them ; & like a man buying a Bond or Obligation from a Creditor, whereby he may be in cafe to diftrefs the debtor, and call for payment in his owne way and time. Whe- reby the whole tenor of the Covenant of Redemption , between Jehovah & the Mediator , is altered ; the Mediator's Place & Relation to thofe, for whom he died, is changed; His Righteoufnefs of Alive and Paffive Obe- dience is made to have no neceffary refped unto the old Covenant & Man's Obligation. He is fuppofed to have merited & bought all for Himfetf im- mediatly : He is fuppofed to have died for all: & that the New Covenant, orLaw of Grace is wholly ofHim. To none of all which , I can aflent. He faith next (n. 127.) that force come neerer & fay, that to punish and riot reward are all ane; & fo the refpect, that fin hath to the deferved punirh- ,nent needed Pardonland SatirfaElion ; but our deferving the Reward needed Chrift's perfeti obedience to be Imputed. What faith he to this ? He granteth, that thereis force what of truth here ; but ( faith he) there are errors alto that lye in the way; and fo he willeth us to remember Z. ( without a z.or 3.) than