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a34 Mr. Baxter's fnrtf3er oppof Lion to Itnput. examined. C H A P. ts, ition ? Doth not hìmfelf fay as much hereafter ( n. 2oS. ) when he faith, that our fir i conflitutive juflrfication ir, in its own Nature, a right to Impunity, & to life , or glory ? Now this Right to Impunity , is the fame with Remif- fion ; but a Right to life, or glory is fomething more. Ls it in this , that we .fay , a man may be forgiven , and yet not reputed one , who never broke the Law ? That , I am Pure, can be noconfufion and tontradiEtion : forit is a contradidtion to fay , that a man ispardoned , and yet reputed one, that never broke the Law ; for pardon is of a breach of the Law. What faith he to make out this alleiged Confufion ? Guilt (faith he) is either ofthe fault, ar fisch or of the punishment , d5 of the fault only ar the caufe ofpunishment : Ifall guilt , both culpx & poenx, were done away , that perfon were reputed pofitively righteous , that is , never to have omitted a duty, or committed a fin.] Anf. Rut do we fay , That pardon taketh away the Reatirr culpa, in it felt ? His own following words , may partly be our anfwer. But indeed (faith he) when only the Reatus poenx ( & culpæ quoad poenam ) it done away , the Reatus culpo in fe rem ainah. And this Chrift himfelfnever taketh away , no, not in heaven , where for ever we shall be judged , once to have finned , ¿ not to be fuck , ar never finned. Where is now the Confufion Mr. Baxter fpoke of? But yet , Ifpppofe, he is in amiflake, when he faith , that the Reams cul- p e cannot be taken away ; for it mutt be taken away , legally , or there shall be no juflification , though it can never be taken away Metaphyfica7ly ; & the fame may be fàid of the P..eatus culpe it felf, feingit will alwayesbe true, that they didonce defer ve punishment, & are not fuch s as never de- ferved punishment. He addeth (n.12.9.) that , which to him, is the Core-ofour errour, [ That we rhink , we mutt be juttified in Chrift, by the Law of Innocency, which juftified Chritt Hi mfelf : & that we are quite, or washed limply from all guilt of fault as well as Obligation to Punishment.] but neither of the - fe do we -fay, as bath been fLequently shown. We are jellified by the Law of Grace, & by faith; yet .we fay with Paul, that the Law isnot made void by faith, but etlablished': the Law of Innocency mutt be fulfilled,but it is not fulfilled by us, but by Chrift ; & His Righteoufnefs is Imputed to us, and received by:faith; and we thereupon are juttifiéd, & receive Remiflîon, and Right to Glory. We do not fay. That Adam's Law meant , do this by thy felf, or by Chrift , á7 thou shalt live : yet we fay , that that Conflitution of God, do this and live, mutt as well beeflabli shed , as this; Curfed is every ene, that continueth not in all things written in the Law d1'c; and that, as by vertue of this Chrift our Surety was to die the curled death ; fo byivertue of that, He was to fulfill all Righteoufnefs. He tels us next ( n. 13 0.) that the truth , which we grope after, and mutt reconcile us all, is as followeth. ] As if all the Reformed divines almoft had been hither-to but groping after the truth , like blinde men groping for the wall ; and he and pofiibly two or three moe , had their eyes opened to fee the truth. His difcourfe here is too long to be rehearfed , that it may be examined ; a few obferves upon it may fuffice. (i) He faith , Chrift, in His fuferings did Hand in the room of fnnerr, as their S,ponfor. Anf. Then His Sa- Lis-