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C 14 A P. 16. Mr. Baxter's further oppofition to Iwptat. exrnirned. 23 5 tisfaElion to jullice mull, in due time , be reckoned on the fcore of fuch , whofe room He fuffered. Why will he not fay-this alto of Chrift's Obcdien- ce ; Icing both were perfumed by Him , in His eftate of Humiliation, & as the Surety of the Covenant ? Was He not made under the Law , as well as under the Curie ? And was He not made of a woman , given and born to us ? But neither can we fay , That Chrifl flood in the room of all finners, as he fuppofeth. (?) ite faith. That Chriffi acquired a Right frft to Himfelf of' giving out the purchafed bcnefter, to [inners , by a new Law , vii. by what He fiiJfered clsr did. Al: This is denied , as not ye{ being confirmed ; and it de- fhroyeth His being a Sponforand Surety, and faith, He was not born to us, nor died for us ; but to and for Himfelf. And yet I deny nor , that Chrift bath gote all power , and is the General difpenfator of the bleffings of the Covenant purchafed. (3) Ile faith, Had Chrifl antecedently done all, that He did in our perfon , dr we in I=3im , in Law fenie , the thing its felf, with its infeparab leconfcquentsd7'effèfls, hadbeen all ours, ipfo facto. Anj. There is no neceffìty for this; feing Chtifl was not thereunto appointed by us, or conjunflly obliged with us , in the firft Covenant ; but after we were bro- ken, did , of His own accord , put His Name in our Obligation, and came in our Law- place, & fo was wade fin for us, that we might be made the Righteoufnefs of God in Him. (4) He f eakethof thefebeneftes being givest3 its, upon termer d& Conditions. But we sherbefore , and here -after will have occafion to do it more fully , of what Nature , thefe termes and Conditions were ; and that they are not fuch , as He meaneth. (ç) He faith. What is given by the New Covenant we have title to upon this account , becaufe it-was parcha fed by the perfetl merite ds' facrifice of Clrri fi ; d? fo given us by Him , and by the Father, Anf. According to Him, the Right , that is had thus , is but remote & common to all even to fuch as perish ; & therefore can hardly: be called a Right; but the only Right is had is by our performance of the ter- mes and Conditions : for he faith ( n. i 37.) that Glory ir.given as a Reward for our beleeving, and performing the Conditions of the Covenant of Grace. (6) He faith , we deferved punishment& Chrift was punished in our Pad, that we might be forgiven : we had forfeited life by A72 d9'.Chrifi merited life for is by His per- feEtion. Alf. And why will he not fay, that Chrift did this lap, as well as the ftrft , in our (lead , feing hereby the freedom of the Gift can no more be weakened, than pardon by the other. What foiloweth bath been fpoken to already. He gra.nteth (n. T32. ) That not to punish , & to reward are digèrent : yet he faith , not to have the Gift is to be punished ; & fo , non-donati here is. puni- ri materially : & that it is the fame kighteoufnefs of Chrifl, which meriteth our Impunity, quoaddatnnum & fenfum, ¿which Meritethour flight to the Gift of life, both Tub ratione doni, as a Gift, &fob ratione Condonationis, a; a forgivenefs of the forfeiture, d" of the paella datnni : And then addeth, That fo there is here no room for the conceite, that Chrìf!'r Death was only to purchafe par- don, dT His Righteoufiiefs to merite life] 17nf: We have faid before, that we need not be fo curious here in diftinguishing, if both be granted to make up. 4 Compleat Righteoufnefs, to purchafe both , we have all we defre : and Ff from i