'3c; Mr, Baxter's further oppofittora to Imput. examined, C H A P. zd, r from what bath been faid formerly , it is manife[, that both are requifite; & Mr. Baxter "granted as much before , as we fee in the foregoing paragraph Note 6. Nor faith Mr. Baxter any thing here , to invalidate what we have Paid. Sure, not to have this Gift was no punishment to Adam , before he finned , what-ever it might be faid to be after his fin. Nor is forfeiture of that properly , which a Man never had , neither in Right, nor in pofeffion And therefore Adam could not be Paid properly ( nor we in him ) to have forfeited glory ; but only that bleffednefs and felicity , wherein he was created , and that Righteoufnefs , that wasconcreated : So that befide the takingawayofthisforfeiture, there will be a Righteoufnefs of Obedience requifite , according to that Constitution , do this isr live in order to the obtaining ofa Right for us unto the life of Glory. And to this he affenteth in end when he faith That the fame Merites of Chrift's AE1ive d? Pafjiveò Habitual F ghteoufnefs, do caufo our Glory. For we do not feparat them : Nor need we curioufly enquire , whether Chrifl's Suffering were firft Satisfacto- ry, & then Meritorious ; & His Obedience firft Meritorious , and then Satisfactory , as he fpeaketh : it being fufiicient to us that both made upa compleat Righteoufnefs performed for us, by Hirn , as our Surety, coming in our Law -place , whereby juftice was fatisfied , and life merited. Nor need I fay ( as he fuppofeth n. 13 5. too many hold ) That heaven is our Re- ward , for our perfection of Holinefs and Obedience in and Chrift ; more than that pardon is our Reward for our Satisfa&ion in & by Chrift. Yet as Chrift fatisfied as a Sponfor , in the (lead & room of !inners , as he confef- fed ; fo it may be Paid, that Chrift obeyed , as a Sponfor , in their room & Read : & that as the one was requifite for purchafe of pardon ; fo the other was requifite for purchafe of Glory : and that as we muff be Intereffed in the one , imputed taus & received by faith , to the end we may be pardon- ed ; fo we muff lae Interefhed in the other imputed to us, and received by faith ( both being Integral parts of one compleat Surety - righteoufnefs ) to the end , we may have a Right to Glory. Nor can I fay with him ( Ibid.) That eternal life it ours by Chri fl's free Gift ar a I(etvard to Chrifi , for Ric own Merites : for then , we could not fay , that Chri[ fuftèred properly in the roome of any, as their Sponfor; and this would take away that fundamen- tal relation betwixt Chrift & theChofen ones, that were given to Him of the Father; and for whofe fake He fanetified Himfelf & was made a Curie, & made under the Law , and became the Father's Servant , and was made a Su ety. Bleflìngs came through Chri[ , as the appointed Mediator , pot from Him , as the principal Donor ( fpeaking of 'Him , as Mediator) The bleffìng of Abraham cometh on the Gentiles , through jefttr Chrifi Gal, 3:14. The God d," Father of our Lord lefus Chrift , blefeth us with all fpiritual bleff ngs , in Chrif, according as He loath chojen us in Him; d7 bath predeflinataitts unto the Adoption of Children, by3efus Chrifi ; & bath made ur accepted in the Beloved Ephef. I: 3, 4, 5, 6. It is God , who faveth us according to His Mercy , by the washing of Regeneration , d7 the renewsng of the Holy Ghof which He shed on us abundantly, ahrough jefus Chrift, our Saviour , that being juflified by His Bret. -se, we should be made heirs, according to the hopeof eternal life Tit. 3: 5, 6, î. Chrift