C x A P. i f. Mr. 13axter's further oppofition to input, examined; 2;3 ends. Anf. This is denied ; neither followeth it from what wefay. Becau fe we cannot fulfill the Law once, to which we were obliged; there-for tmufl Chrifl fulfill it for us , to the end we may enjoy the proniifed Reward And His fulfilling of it for this end , doth not make us Law -lets, far Iefs exeem us from Obedience for other Gofpel ends to which Adam in Inno cency was not obliged. Or 3 ( faith he ) ar if the Latn required any more than abfolute perfellion. AnJ: We do not fay , that it doth : But all our Obedien- ce , with all the fuperaddition of new ends , is moll Imperfe&t. 4. Or ( faith he ) that abJólute perfetlion bad not been inChrif's holy Obedience. Anf. Neither doth this follow -from what we fay , more than from what him - felffaith ; Yea not fo much : for he maketh our Gofpel Obedience, a per - fe:tRighteoufnefs, which we may lean to , & plead for our juflification &.. Salvation upon. Or 5. ( faith he ) ar if there were any Obedience, tvhofe end is not Righteoufnefs dT jufl ification , againfi the charge of the contrary difobedience. Ant: This is but vanity for neitheris it denied nor is it any thing tothe point ; becaufe the Righteoufnefs fpoken of is a perfeél Righteoufnefs , anfwerable to the Co venant of works, as the condition of life : And who ever performe Obe- dience , with fuch an eye & defigne, & for fuch an end , shall in end meet with a fad difappointment, be their diligence & attainments what they will. 6. ( faith he ) And is not gratitude an end, da a thing commanded by the Law ? If we obeyed perfaftly in Chrif , we were perfeftly thankful in Chrifi. Anf. It will only follow , that we were perfectly thankful in Chrifl, in order to the ob- taining of the reward ; but not fo, as if we in our own perfons, were no more obliged to endeavoure thankfulnefs. 7. ( faith he) Brit if they fay, That Chrif fulfilled the Law only made to .Adam for ur , d9' not his own Law of Grace , ds therefore , that he obeyed for u: tardy to the ends of that Law. Sure this is the thing that himfelf will fay, or he muff fay, that Chriflfulfilled no Law for us, in our (lead. But what an- fwereth he ? if the ends ( faith he) d7 matter of that Law be fi41 filled by ur in Fiirn, our Obedience to any other mull be needle(;; for he that it fuppofed never to have finned , needeth not ufe any meaner for pardon or remedie. AnJ: W e fay not , That the Law was fulfilled by us, in Him; but that He fulfilled the Law, as a Surety , willingly putting His Name in our obligation , & undertaking our debt : And from the Imputation of this to us it will never follow , that we are thereby , or can be, fuppofed never to have finned. What next ? By this rule ( faith he) Chrif only ful filled the Law for Adam & Eve; for is only as we were on them , which is only virtually, 6- not ',Mustily at all , but not at all for úr, according to any obligation , - that ever fell upon our perfons. How proveth he this ? For I. ( faith he) tie were never perfonally bound to perfeil,. perfonal, perpetual Obedience , ar the Condition of li fe for that Covenant , as to - the promife ds' condition, ceafed before any man was born. Anf. That Covenant, I grant , ceafed to be the way to life, as it was to Adam at firfl; becaufe it became a thing impofßble ; yet, as Adam fell under the Curie of that broken Covenant , fo did all his pofterit.y fall with him & in him: hence when his pofierity come to be exilent perlons, they are Children of.wrath , F f 3 sic arf.e