4111111114 244 Mr. Baxter's further oppof Lion to Imput. ex,amtncd. C H A P. 16. Lam of works took not Chrift for the Civil , or legal perfon of Beleeverr , more than it made Him Juch., 4nf. But this confequence is denied ; for when a debtor is lying in prifon, a friend , who was not formerly obliged , undertaking to fatisfie the Creditor & making fatisfaction, is by Law taken for the legal per - fon of the debtor whois accordingly dealt with , as if he himfe -f had fatis- fied the Creditor. In the 4, 5. & 6. places , he tels us, That beleevers , receiving Chri/i Him. fel f, receive title to HU Grace , Spirit d." Glory , ds are perfonally Ic atlttalll His. Subjelir &c. and have a right to all His conferred benefiter ; which right followeth not Immediatly to them from what Cho iffdid, or fi, tired, but from the' Covenant of grace; d,^ therefire they have no right before t. etime, nor any , but on the Conditions Ipecified in the Covenant. An. . (i) Though they have nofull,com pleat , actual right, untill Inch time,as is condefcended upon; yet by vertue of the compact betwixt Jehovah & the Mediator, wherein the Mediator undertook particu- larly,far thofe given unto Hinz, thefe may be laid to have a real fundamental right, though that right be not fubjected in them , nor pleadable by them, before the time appointed ; yet a Right , or fomething equivalent ( for I will not (hive about words ) mutt neceftrily flow from Chr-ift's Satisfying for them , and paying their debt , according to His Undertaking, As,when it is contracted , that the Eldeft daughter of the marriage shall have fucha furnme of money when she cometh to be married , or to be offuch an age, that daughter hath another right unto that femme , than any other daugh- ter hath, & that fundamentally from the contract & Agreement , though before the time defigned , her right be not Inch , as rue can plead it in Law, in order to the poffeffing of the fumtne (2. ) Therefore the right , that Be- Ieevers have , floweth from the Compaq, & Chrili's Suffering according to compact , though it be conveyed by the Covenant of Grace , 'their pof- feflïon of the Benefices be immediatly therefrom; as that daughters right to the furnme is properly from the contract, though her actualpoffeflïon ac- cording to the contras, be from her Marriage, or corning to that age. Though beleevers right to the actual poffeffion of the benefices be fo con- veyed ; & as to the conveyance, forne be granted abfolutly , as faith (as himfelf will confefs ) tome upon condition of faith , that is , in that order, & according to that Methode , that faith fhall preceed : Yet , in refpe ct of God, their right to all is abfolutly purchafed by Chrift & fo in a fenfe theirs, though not fubjected in them , nor pleadable by them, till the time appointed come. This whole fcheme of Mr. Baxter's leemeth to me to he founded upon, and to flow -from his Notion of Univerfal Redemption, whe- reby he will have Chrift to have died in the room & (lead of all; which (to the) is in the room & place of none ; & ro have purchafed the New Cove- nant, a Common good to all', whereby all that would performe the New Conditions, should have right to the benefices, as having obtained the fa- me, by their performance of thefe proper Conditions; anteriour to which, there was no difference at all betwixt them & others; but this Scheme and the ground thereof I cannot owne. 7. He tels us, that as none , till he was a perfon , could be a perfon guilty ,f Adam s