Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C HA P. 16. Mr. Baxtcr's further oppofition to Intput. examined. 245 Adam's fin, nor when he was a perfon any fooner , than he was alfo guilty of his own inherent pravity , dr none that had the ufe of reafón was guilty of either , or both thefe only, without the guilt of hit own altual fin. So none till be be a beleever it related, as a member of a perfectly Righteous Saviour ; & that is done na fooner ( in time ) then he hath the inherent righteoufne fs of his perfonal faith & fe- deral content , d? that obligeth him to the further allive Righteoufnefs of a holy life. Anf. The Protafir & Apodoftr Teem not to agree , for as upon our perfo- nal exiftence , we become perlons guilty of Adam's tin & that before ( as to nature , though not as to time ) we have inherent pravity ; becaufe this is an Effect, Confequent & Punishment of the former . fo upon our faith, which is our perfonal exifting grace cor'refpondingto our perfonal exitting in Nature , by our Natural being , should follow , as anfwerin,;, to this Im- putation of Adam's guilt , the Imputation of Chrift's Righteoufnefs : but iri ftead of this , he mentioneth nothing , but a Relation ar a member of a righte- ous Saviour; which ( according to the comparifon ) should correfpond to our relation to Adam , which is , in nature , before our partaking of his fin. (2) As anfwering to our inherent pravity , he should have named our tstllifi- cation , Adoption &c. as the effects of thelmputation of Chriti's Righteouf- nefs; in Read of this , he narneth the lnherentrizhteoufnefs of our perfonal faith & federal confent ; thereby Importing that this federal content is potteriour to ourRelation ; while as I fuppofe , he will fay, that our Relation is upon the condition ofour federal content : Not to mention here his errour ( here« after difcovered ) of making faith CO be confidered here , as our perfonal In- herent Righteoufnefs. Then he tels us. That all thefe three conjunEt ( though notcooi'dsnat) make up the total Righteoufnefs of a Saint. vi'. t. our Relation es Chrifi<, in Union , as to a perfeEtly Righteous Head , who ful filled all &ighteoul- nefs for ur , to merite our juflifi'catiori ( which is called Chrifi's Righteou fnefs im- puted tous, ar being thus far reputed ours ) 2. our penitent beleeving confentte his Covenant, which is the condition of the forefaid relation to Chrifl. 3. And our Saníiifcation. Anf. (z) Here we fee, that Righteoufnefs made the fecond Righteoufnefs, which yet is the condition of the firfl; as if our Inherent pravity were the condition of the Imputation of Adam's fn to us (2) our Relation to Chrifi is not one & the fame with the Imputation of Righteöuf nefs to us; no more than our relation to Adam is the fame thing with the Im- putation of his fin to us. (3) Thus we fee , by affecting the caufe,vi, . our re- lation to Chrift he taketh away the effect vit. the Imputation of His Righ- teoufnefs, as being no diftin 1 thing: as ifone should fay , we are related to Adam, a finftil Head , who broke the Law for us ; & this is called Adam's fin imputed to us , as being thus far reputed ours. But yet Chrift's fulfilling all Righteoufnefs for us (if that for, us , were underflood in the Scripture fenfe, and not according to the Socinian, or Arminian glofs) would abun dantly ground the Imputation , we plead for , and that as a fruit of our Re- lation to Chtift. Palling what he faith 8, as not wtorth thenoticeing. come to fee, what he faith 9. & laftly. Propofrng this obledion to himfeif, if Chrift's perfon be given vs , then His perfonal Righteoufnefs is given us with it. i-Ic replieth thus. Yes , as His perfon is; He is not given us Cß,2 as ,t;