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24.6 Mr. Baxter's further oppofition to Input. ex imined. C H A F. II 6. as proprietors- ò Lords , to become our own , at our difpofe; nor is his perfon made one perfon with each , or any of ur. His pert òn is not; turned into ours , nor ours into his. AnJ: This is all to no purpofe; for no man in his wits , either laid fo, or dreamed fo, at any time. Ac the husband (faith he) is not the perfon of the ¡vife, nor the King of each Subject : but as one , that bath a Great , wife, learned, Bountiful, Holy king or Husband hath al fo his Greatnefr d7 c. at they have him, that is , ar his perfellions for their good , at far as- his relation binder him ; but not as if his enduementr were removed from him to them , or falfely reputed to be in them , or hi; perfon to 6e their perfonr : fo here ac we have a Chrift , fo we have a perfetl kighteous Chrift given us to be our federal head, when we beleeve ; and the Righteoufnefs, which it not in us , but in Him, is ours fo far as to be for our good, as far as His office d?' Covenant do oblige Him, .línf. This favoureth of making Chrill's dying for us, to be nothing elfe than His dying for our good , as Socinians fay : and if it import more, (as it doth in truth) he cannot but fee, that his fimile here , hath nothing of a fimilitude -in it; for the objection fpeaketh of Chrilt's perfon given to us, not as a great, wife &c. King is given 'to his Subjects; but as the Surety is given to the debtor , i, e, as one, whole payment of the debt, mull be reckoned on the fcore of the debtor, in order to his liberation out of prifon. He addeth. So that a Righteous Chrift and therefore the R.ighteoufnefr of Chrift, are ours, relatively themjelves, quoad jus beneficii ; fo ar that we have right to thefe benefites by them , which we shall po efs : and for the meri- ter of His RZighteoufiiefs , we are conditionally juflifled and Paved , before we beleeve , and aftually after. Anf. All this jus beneficii is but remote; for in the foregoing pstg. he told us, as we heard , that this right Both not flow immediatly from what Chrifl did and fulfered, but from his Cove- nant of Grace: and I think , he should have Paid rather from their perfor- mance of the condition : for the Covenant conveyeth no title , but condi- tionally, he knoweth, and therefore can give no title or Right, untill the condition be performed ; upon the performance of which , the conditional Title becometh actual. And further , there is no more here laid thatt what a Socinian will fay ; and particularly Sclightingius pro Socino. cont. Mei- faierum -pag- 25o, whole words we cited above towards the beginning of our. XIII. Chapter. CHAPO t f w