4 Realms enforcing a clofeing tt:it{3 this tray. C 1t A P, lying thereon , & expecting acceptance there through as we fee Levit. is 4.. & 3: 2. & I6: 21. And a way , which alfo the Prophets', or the Spirit of aria which was in them, did teflifie , and bear witnefs to, when it retitled before hand the fufferings of Chrift, and the glory that should fol. low. i Pct. I: 1o. &c. So Peter, in his Sermon to Cornelius, told him Ad. io: 43. that to Him , (i, e. to Chrift ) gave all Prophets witnefr , that through His Name , whofo ever beleeveth in Him , shall receive kemi son of fins. 2. It is the way , which all the Ancients took , & found to be a faife & Pure way ; & thereforeit should be to us a way , worthy of all acceptation. Abraham beleeved God, preaching to him the Gofpel ; & the objet3 of his faith , or the famine & fubflance ofthe Gofpel, that is , the Righteóufnefs of Chrift , was imputed to him ; & thereby he was juflified : fo Both Paul clear the matter to us Rom. 4: i, 2, 3. What shall we fay then , that Abraham our father , as pertaining to the flesh, hath found &c. for if Abraham were ju fli- f:ed by workr:, he to glory , but not beforeGod: for what faith the Scripture' Abraham beleeved God d," it war counted to him for righteoufne[s. And if we enquire, what this was , which Abr aharh did beleeve ? or where in was itt, tharhe beleeved God ? Paultels usGal. 3 : S. That it was the Gofpel. And the Scripture fore f eeing; that God would juflifie the heathen through faith , preached before the Gofp el unto Abraham , laying , in thee shall all Nations be ble f fed. Now, though thefe words , in thee shall all Nations beblef]'ed, be not exprefsly re- peated Gen. a 5. where it is Paid ,,.that Abraham beleeved God , dT it was im- putedtohim f r righteoufnefs : Yet this was the chiefe & principal parr of that promife of multiplying of his feed ; & was therefore both before this 'time mentioned together with that promife Gen. ii: 2, 3. & twice there-after to wit. Gen. r S: IS. ¿ 22; 17, i S. And further this is called the Covenant, which God made with the fathers Ate. 3:25. and therefore it mull have been the chiefe thing, which Abraham's faith did fix upon , who is therefore called the Father of the faithful, as being the Father of many nations, R,om.q.: 16,17. And this is the lure promife , that is made lure to all the feed , & muff be laid hold on by faith. Rom. 4.: i6. And upon this account, Abraham is faid to have Peen the day of Chrifl, & to have been glad Joh. 8:56. And as Abraham took this way ; íßo did,others take it, before him: inch as Abel ,who by faith o ffered Unto God a more excellent Sacrifice, than Cain ;by which he obtained witnefs , that he was righteous. Heb. II: 4. And Enoch , who pleafed God by Faith : and Noah, who became heir of the Righteoufnefs which is by faith. Heb,, II: 5, 6, 7. So David under the Law ", defcribeth the hlelîednefs of the man, unto whomGod imputeth Righteoufnefs, with - out works &c. RZorn. 4: 6, 7, S. Pfal. 32: I, 2. This then being fuch a paved way , we mutt dole with it, and Peek after no other. 3. This way is by getting or, putting on a Righteoufnefs, with which. God will be well pleated , and with which alone, he is & will be fatisfied ; for it is called the Righteoufnefs of God Room. 3: 21, 22. And the R .ighteo ;rfnefs, which is of God by faith Phil. 3: 9. as being not only a Righteoufnefs , which God hash found out, who knew beft, how to bring about the Salvation of his chofen ones , to his own glory , & which alone will be acceptable to Him but,