Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C 11 A r, 17. Reafons enforci;tg a ctofetxg with this way. 49 but, as being alto the Righreoufn_fs of one, who is God , even of jefus Chrift , God -man i the Saviour & Cautioner , and this is made over to be- leevers , & imputed to them and t hey receive it by faith , that it may be- come theirs , and they may Eland before juflice clothed with it, & thereby anfwere all that Law , & juutice can fay againfi them , or lay to their char- ge. Can finners finde out & ía11 upon a Righteoufnefs , more excellent in it felt, or more pleafìng or fatisfying unto God , & whereupon a diflref;'ed foul purfued by jutlice and the terrours of the Lord can with more confi- dence red and relye , than this is , which is the Righteoufnefs of God; the Righteouneis wrought by him , who was and is the Fathers equal, God over all , bleffedpr ever , and is Lord, our Righteoufnefs jer.23:5. & is made of God tó u; R,ighteouf eft i Cor. 1: 3o? What can finners invent , that can once be compared here -with ? Can any thing ; which they themfelves can do , yeeld more ground of Peace & Confidence ? No certainely. 4. This way detnonilrateth both the Juflice & Mercy of God, & ío a way wherein the Lord hath given a great demond ation of his wonderful Grace & Mercy : and a way alío wherewith judice is fully fatisfied. This the Apoflle doth fully declare 3: 24, 25, 26. being juflified freely by his gra- ce, through she red.mption , tóbat is in 3e fiir Chri fi. Whom God hath fet forth to be a propitiation , 'through faith in his blood , to declare his Righteou fneJs to declare I fay , at this rim' his Rjghteoufnefr , that he might be juft, &c, And this should commend it higly unto us , that when neither Angels, nor men , could havefound out a way , how Mercy & Grace might have shined forth, in the Salvation of poor ñriners; 8 with all how Jutlice should have had fatisfa- Clion; the Infinite \X¡ifdom of God , hath found out this way, whereby juflice and Mercy are no more , as it were , a't odds , but concurring to the juflification of a poor finner. Whatever way elfe we rake , should we with thefe Micah. 6: 7. come before the Lord, d?' bowourfelvesbeforethehighGod, should we come before him with brunt Offerings , with calves o f a yeer old. It we- re all : He would not be pleated with thoufands of rams nor with ten thoufandr of rivers of oil. Should we give our fc'rfl born for our tranjgrefjïon 6" the fruit of our body , for the fin of our Soul : What would that avail ? It could be no Satisfaótion to Juflice : the Lord would not be juft > in juflifying Inch finners. 5. The fad difappoinrment, that fuch as took another courte to the end theymight be jutlified & Accepted, have met with,should be as an hand u.;on the margine to us , to beware of trádeitig in the footfleps of their folly, 'left we fall imo the fame pit of mine, tIe read born. g> 31, 32.. that Ifrael, which followed after the Law of righteoufnefr , did not attaine to the Law ofrigh- teo fnefs; Wherefore? becaufe they fought it not by faith, but as it were by the tvorkr o the Law; for they (tumbled at that flumbling fione.Theÿ were at much paines to follow after the Law of Righteoufnefs , 'thinking thereby to attaine unto Righteoufnefs, & fo to be juflified ; but after all their paines & travail, they csiî milli: their mark, & came short of what they projeEled: They would not take the way, of Faith, they would not by faith lay hold on Chrift, and pot On His Righteoufnefs, but they flumbled at that A:ambling flone ; they fought