Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

24O ilea forts enforcing a clo feing with this way. C H A n. r , fought altera Righteoufnefs , by their own works, which they fuppofed we- re the works of the Law , but were not fo indeed ; for they fought :after the Law of Righteoufnefs , but as it were by the works of the Law : And there- fore they could not reach their intended end , how cönfident fo ever they were in their way.. So againe 3, 4. it is faid of them for they being ignorant of God's Righteoufnefs d? going about to efiablish theirown Righteoufnefs, -have not fubmiktcd theihifelves unto the Righteoufnefrof God r for Chrìflis the end -of the Lath for Riglsteoufnefr, to everyone that beleeveth. They would not fol- low God's way , nor fubmit to that Righteoufnefs , which is twice here called the Rishteoufnefs of God; but in the pride of their héart , would fec up 8z eflablish their own Righteoufnefs , and make it Eland on its feet , and therefore would not be beholden to Chrift , & to his Righteoufnefs, nor look to him by faith , who was the end of the Law for righ- teoufnefs, to eve- ry one that beleeveth : and. fo they loft all. This fad example should caufe all look about them , & beware:of entertaining a prejudice at the Gofpel -way of Juftification. 6. From this Inftance , we may alto take notice of another Confideration, to wit, That ro refute this Gofpel -way of juftification argueth intolerable pride of heart , & haughtinefs of minde : It is obferved of the lewes here, that they would not fubmitthemfe lves unto the Righteoufnefsof God ; they would not bow fo low , nor humble rhemfelves fo far, as to deny their own Righ- teoufrrefs, & condefcend to take on Chrift; but in their pride & ftournefs of heart, they thought , though the bricks were fallen, they should build all up agáine with their own hewn (tones , & fo they went about to under - prop & let up their own Righteoufnefs , that it might ftaud. And what an intolerable thing is this , for beggers & dyvours to be fo proud of nothing, & to refufe to accept of & befatisfied with the payment ofa Cautioner ? As then we would not have thi( guilt of contemningin the pride of hearts, the way that the Wifdorn of God hathròund out, & the Righteoufnefs of God , let us not refuife our own Salvation , & (land out againft this eh- blished , fare & approven way of takiug on Chrift's Righteoufnefs. 7. We may take notice of another Confideratioh here, to move us to dole with this only way, to wit, That the retuning of this way, as it ar- gueth ignorance both of the worth, & of the excellency & of the nece(lìty of this way of juftification, through the Imputed Righteoufnefs of Chrift ; fo it argueth a rooted prejudice againft Chriit , and the way:of juftification through him , & a judicial Itroke of wrath from the Lord upon filch , as wil- fully & pertinacioufly refuife this Gofpel way : for'it is faid of the jewes he- re , Rom. to: 3. that they were ignorant of God's Righteoufnefs: And Chap. 9: 3z. that they Humbled at that flumbled (lone , they brake their necks on that, which was the only mease offaving them , & that in the righteous judgment of Gott , according to what wa's foretold Efai.8: i 4, t 5. where it is faid, that the Lord of holds , who would be for a Santuary to his own , should be for a (lone of Bumbling , e for rockof offènce; for agin IT for a fnare d1' many among them shall flumble & fall , d9 be broken , d7 be 'hared dr be taken. And this is further confirmed by that which Peter faith I. Pet, z: 7,S: but unto themfmhich be