Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C H A P. 1 7. tea foes enforcing clofeing with this uAax. z 5r be difobedient , the Hone , which the builders difallowed , the fame is made the head of the corner. And a jione of Rumbling e a roç4 of oence, to them which flum- bleatthe word , being difobedient, whereunto al fö they were appointed. The con - fìderation of this should caufe all look about them. 8. It is allo conuderable , that filch as will not fubmit themfelves unto this Righteoufnefs of God, have no way to betake themfelves unto ; no courfe t at they can follow , in order to their juftification , but that , which is perenitorily rejected of the Lord , & condemned in his word; that is,the way ofth`eir Owne Works. Thefe jewel, who would not fubmit thenfel- ves unto the Righteoufnefs of God , còuld fall upon no other courfe, but the ettablishing of their own Righteoufnefs : And there is no other way men tioned in Scripture but there two,, either by Works , or by Faith ; that is , either by the Righteoufnefs of Chrift , or by our own Righteoufnefs ; hence the Apofile Both alwayes orpofe thefe two to other , & by difpuring again ft the Law , our Works, or our Righteoufnefs according to the Law , he etta blisheth and confirmeth the true & only way , through theRighteoufnefs of, Chrifl; & by pleading for this, he deftroyeth the other , and as there- e tb no third ray dittindfrom both , fo there is no commixture of both , to make up a third , in apart agreeing with both : for grace & works cannot agree to gether to make one compofitioh. Rpm. it: G. So that what ever different Wayes , and Modes or Methodes, men excogitate in this matter , if they ftep afide from the pure way of grace , the way of juftification through the imputed Righteoufnefs of Chrift, they mutt of neceflìty dole with that way, which is through Works & againft which Paul hath difputed fo much , io his Epililes. Now what madneís is it , to embrace fuch a way, in whole, or in part ( &ifin part , itmuftalfobein whole , for as is Paid, grace and works will not mixe ) againft which the Apt:ale hath argued fo much , both in his Epiftle to the Romans , & to the Galatians? 9. This way of juftification through the Imputed Righteoufnefs of Chrifi is the only way to Peace & Reconciliation with God; as the Apofle con - cludeth Rom. 5: t, Therefore being jußi fled by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord jefusChrifl. Peace with God [tandeth onlyupon this foun- dation, to wit, juftification by Faith ; that is , Juttification through the Righteoufnefs of Chrift imputed to us by God, & received by faith. Peo- ple may dream of obtaining Peace & Reconciliation another way ; but they will be miferably difa pointed, for , as we faid above , juftice can be no other way fatisfied & till juttice be fatisfied , there is no Reconcïliaríon, no Peace. What a miferable cafe then are perlons in , who will not fubmit unto this way ? They may frame a way to themfelves, and be very Zea- lous in it , as the Jewes had a Zeal of God Rom. io:.z. & be at much expenfe of duties & toile therein , as the Pharifee , who fatted twice a week , and Yet attaine-to no Peace or Reconciliation with God. All then, who are defireous of this bleffed Peace , mutt choofe this way, and elofe with it hear- tily, and this should be a ftrong enducement unto them thereunto. Wé should remember what Paul laid 2 Cor. 5: IS, 19, 21. God hath reconciled us ee bimfelfby tefus Chrift & that God was in Chrijt reconciling the world unto him- I h fell,