CH A P. YS. The duties of fnch as are juftified. 255 naked &miferabler &aplainedyvour, andutterlywnon- folvendo, &Iayeth bold on a compleet & alfufficient Righteoufnefs', in Jefus Christ ; and fo_ bath no ground of boafting or glorying even before men : for it is nothing that isinhim; or that he doth, that is that Righteoufnefs , upon the ac- count of which he is !unified ; but only the Righteoufnefs of Chrift without him. It is not his faith, not his works , nor his Righteoufnefs; but Chrift's Righteoufnefs is equally imputed to all beleevers , to the weakeft beleever as well as to the ftrongeft ; and fo the ftrongeft beleever bath no ground of boafting before the weaken. Where is boaJling-then ? ( faith the ApofIe Item. 3: 27. ) It it excludedsby what Law ? Of works ? nay ; but by the Lass of faith. z. Upon the other hand let all, fuch,glory in the Lord , and in his free grace & gracious workings ; Let tlxem fay , when they refleEt on this matter, not unto us Lord , not unto us , but unto thee to glory r feing the matter is fo con- trived, as that all the juftified may fee, 'that God may only have the glory ofall, & that none ought to share with him ; that he alone should weare the crown ; & all his glorified ones should molt cheerfully caft their crownes down at his feet.. But of him ( faith the Apoftle r Cor. 1: 30, 31. ) are ye ira. Chrift jefusl, who of God is made unto usWifdom, Itighteoufnefr, d5' Santlifi- cation d?,ltedemption : that , according as it is written, he that glorieth, Let him gloryin the Lord. Chrift is made all things unto &for his people , & they have all of God through him , that no flesh should glory in his prefence , as it is faid verf. 29.. Let all fuch therefore ; as are made partakersof this rich & honourable Privilege , comply fweetly & cheerfully with this defigne of God,to have God alone exalted, and the mouth of all flesh flopped., that he who glorieth, may alone glory in the Lorde 3. Let fuch as are thusadvanced, miede the great duty of holinefs, and of growing in grace , and in the knowledge of Jefus Chrift The way of faith_ is not to make void the Law, but it doth eftablish it item. 3: 31. as Chrift is made of God unto is Righteoufnefs , fo is he made Sanóification. As he is 2t Prien to reconcile us to God, and become Righteoufnefs to us, fo is he a. King to caufe us walk in the Lord , & to fubdue,our fpiritnal enemies,an4 fo, become Sanctification to us. It is the language of the flesh & of corruption, to argue from this Change & advancement unto a liberty to finne, Shall we continue in fin, that grace may abound ? will the flesh object. But the Apo í11e anfore: eth. Item. 6: 2. &c. God forbid., how shall we, that are dead to fin, live any longer therein ? It is repugnant to the nature of that fiate, whereinto- now theyare bronght, to give way to fin ': Therefore the juftified should minde what they are called to, & what new grounds , new advantages,. new helps, new encouragements they have unto holinefs, that they had not before, all plainly & fully fet down by PaulRom. G. elfe where.. 4. How should they commend & cry up the free grace of God , and that love that vifited them , when they were lying in theirblood , and no eye pi- tyed them. They were ungodly & without ftrength, yet Chrift died for them Rpm. 5: G. and the Lord did juftifie the ungodly , even them , who had tom: ight,ufuefs of their ovine, nor nothing to commend them unto him,, Hh ;nl>.