Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

j' The duties of fuih as are juflified. C H A n, Ig Rom. 4: 5; Yea where fin abounded , grace did much more abound kom.S zo. Not only had they nothing more then others to commend them unto God , but even they had lefs , andyet God through free grace fet his Love upon the lefsworthy ; for, faith Paul ( Cor. i : 26) 27, 28. ) ye fee your cal. ling, Brethren, how that not many wife men after the flesh , not many mighty, not many noble : but God bath chofen the foolish things of the world , to confound the wife ; & God haih chofen the wea k things ofthe world , and things which are defpi. fed hath God chofen , and things which are not, to bring to naught things which are. That no fled) should glory in his pretence. Should not the thoughts of this raife their wondering , & caufe them fpeak CO the commendation of the rich and free grace of God ? 5. Let fuch as are brought into this Rare oflife , wherein they have peace with God , and are reconciled to Him, through Jefus Chrift, carry as per - fones no more ftrangers unto him , & as forraigners , but as now madenigh by the blood of Jefus ; & therefore let fuch remember, that through him , they have an accefs by one Spirit unto the Farber , being now fellow - citifens with the Saints, and o he houshold of God Ephef. 2:13, 14, 18,19. Rom, 5: z. Therefore should im rove'this advantage,both for their own good and for thegood of others ;t & should exercife communion & fellowshipe with the Father and with his Son Jefus Chrift & fo walk with him , as agreed with Him , & have theirconverfation in heaven. Hath the Lord brought them into his houshold , yea & admitted them to his prefence , that they may -kifle his hand , & nand before his face continually , in the lower cham- ber of prefence ; and should they carry as yet eftranged from him ? Is He ar p,ççce with them , and should they have jealous thoughts of him ? Is He reconciled unto them , and should they carry as keeping up fame grudge again( Him ? 6. Such should account this Gate, whereinto now they are brought, their only blefTednefs here below. Even as David ( faith Paul Roan. 4: 6, 7, S.) alto deferibeth the bleyednefs of the Man, unto whom God imputeth righteoufnefs without works; faying, ble(jed are they whofe iniquities are forgiven, and whofe fanner are covered : bleyed is the man tinto whom the Lord will not impute fin. Here is the poor felf- condemned (inners blefuednefs, that he bath a righteoufnefs imputed to him, who had none of his owner, and who thereupón hath his ini- quities forgiven, covered, & not impyti i. And filch as are made parta. kers of this blef ednefs , should accountit their happinefs , that how ever it be -with them , as to outward things in The world , yet they are now brought within the Covenant, and are covered with the mantle of Chrift's Righte- oufnefs and have all their iniquities covered , caft into the mida of the lea, fo that they shall never be reckoned upon their fcore. 7. This should be aground for them of glorying in the Lord , in the har- den condition, they can be into in the world; being thus juaified, they should glory in tribulations knowing that they can fuffer no lofs of difadvantage the- reby, but on the contrary reap much good and advantage ; for(tribulation worketh 1n Inch as are thus juftifìed , and at peace with God , patience, and patience experience , dr experience -lope , it hope maketh not ashamed, becaufe the