S $ The duties of Jud as are j ufti fled. C H A r, i 8. There it therefore now no condemnation to them, which are in Chriff Iefur. tó. Such as are this juftified,should follow the example of Pull) hi!, 3: 7, 9. and fo account fuch things lofs for Chrift , which formerly were gaine yea & count all t hin, s but lots, for the excellency of the knowledge of Chrift Jefus, their Lord ; yea &account them but dung, that they may win Clarift, and be found in him; Here should their heart& delight be: about thia should their whole occupation be , towin and gaine Chrift more, to know him & the,powerdfhis Refurredion and the followshipe of his fufferings, & to be made conformable unto his death verf. to. that hereby Chrift may be their gaine , their glory, & thvirall. How jealòus should they be of their de. ceitful hearts , that nothing be admitted ,;to share of the glory due to Chrifl, or to pofl'effe any ot that roc in the heart, that is due to him ? He should have the throne , for fie roll worthie of it : And whatevercometh in competition with him , `be it within us or without us, should be rejected that He alone may be exalted in our fouls. Ir. Such as have been made partaker of this royal lifeof juflification, through a Crucified'Chrift , laid hold on by faith , should labour to keep this dottrine pure both by word & deed , fo far as they can , that the grace of God , that fo eminently shineth forth therein, may not be darkned by mens erroneous apprehenfìons; & that fo much the rather, that Satan with- out & corruption withiñ many, are fo far at enmity with this doctrine of the grace of God, that they laboure by all meanes, either more direEtly, or more indiredily to pervert ic, & to preffe fora mixture of works upon one confe- deration , or other, in this matter, which it will not admit : and that be. caufe , it is fo croffe & contrary to the corrupt inclinations of'Maa, who is fo proud of nothing, that he will not be beholden to Chrifl for lefs and for more , and for all. We fee Paul was molt jealous in this matter , and moil zealous For the truth , & therefore on all occafions didaflert & vindicate it, as we may fee efpecially in his Epiftle to the Galatians, where he did fo vea- loufly withfland Peter Chap.2: 14. and immediatly did Rate the quellion, verf. i 6. laying , knowing that a man is not jellified by the Works of the Law, but by the faítb of f eftts Chrift , even we have beleeved in Jeff's Chrifít , that we might be juRifted by the faith of Chriß e not by the works of the Law ec. adding verf. IS. that hefor his part , would not build againe the things, which he had deftroyed, &'fo make himfelfa transgreffour. Nor would he verf. at. fru- ftrate the Grace of God, ra. Finally all fuch , as have by faith laid hold on Chrift , & his righte- oufneefs , and are by faith juftífied , and fo made partakeisof this life through faith in Chrift, muff refo!ve to abide in Chrift by faith , t at life maybe prefer ved , and by new ads of faith "dayly on Chrift , get as it were new breath, that their life may be continued, and thus live continually the life of jullification by faith, & by faith take their new finnes to Chrift , that they may be done away in his blood; for the Righteoufnefs of God is revea- led from faith to faith ; as it is written , the juft shall live by Faith ; But cf this we are to fpeak more hereafter. CHAP.