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_ of juffiftcation as continued: C H A P. I J, cannot then look upon the jufi!tfzcation, mentioned & explained in 'the Scriptures, and of which we have hitherto fpoken , as a meer Declaration to the beleevers Confcience of what God did from Eternity ; as if the admit- tance into favoure , and Pardoning of fnnes , were nothing but his Decla- ration to their confciences, that they were accepted from eternity., & had pardon from eternity : a notion , lure , that hath no footing or foundation in the Scriptures. 3. We do not here fpeak of that , which fome call Baptifmal ?uflifcav Lion, & whereby they fay, all Infants baptized are jutlified; &which they Inuit yeeld to be fuch as can & doth meet, with a final & total intercifion, yea &amiflìon, as to many; & fo be quite of another nature, from that which adult beleevers partake of, from which there is no final or total Apollafie to be granted , according to the Scriptures. But we ow ne no fuch Juftification- of all baptized Infants.. 4. Nor yet do we here (peak of that , which others , being more wary, mutt owne, as confequentially following upon their opinion of Ba4tifmal kegeneratìch of as baptized eleEl infants , to wit , a Baptifmal Fu flificatton of a1î baptised elect infants, it being certain , that there can be no Regeneration, without a correfponding Jutlrfication ; for as fuch a Regeneration is not clearly revealed in the Scriptures , fo , were it granted , no Aélual'ufUfi- cation , but only a Seminal & Potential Ju(lification could be hence inferred; 'becaufe fuch as the Regeneration is Paid to be, by fuch as maintaine this opinion , fuch mutt the Juftification be ; but this Regeneration , which is thus owned, is only Paid to be Initial, Seminal , or Potential, & is diflinguif. hed from Acua1 Regeneration (See D. Burger of Baptifmal Regeneration. pag. 14,15. ) As concerning the juflification of Infants , though we cannot fay, that there is no fuch thing , yet , as the knowledge of the ray of the Lords effeétuating it, doth not much concerne us ; fo the Scriptures are fpareingin fpeaking of that Subjedt ; Sure , the Lord bath a way of uniteing their hearts to Chrift, and of juftifying Regenerating & Saving filch of them , as die in their Infancy , & belong to the Eiedion of Grace; though we cannot di ftinäly underfland, & determinatlyexplaine the manner how. It is more of our concernment to enquire after &.know the way, perfones co- me to partake of thefe Privileges. 5. We do not here fpeak of that "unification , which Tome call a Jul/if- cation of the e'aufe, and diltinguish from that, which they call, a jufhfeatiol of the perjòn : for that is but the juflification of a perfon falfly accufed, as to fome particular , as David was frequently accufed of many things, by his Ptdverfaries , of which he was Innocent , laying to his charge crimes, he knew not , about which he was in cafe (as we finde he did feveral times in his Pfalmes) to appeal unto God, the righteous Iudge, being confcious to himfelf of no guilt in the particulars alledged , & knowing his own innocen- cy, in the fight of God , who knew all things : Such was the matter of that queftion , concerning tab's finceritie fo much agitated betwixt him, & his friends , in the book of gob, and at length decided in lob's favours, by God himfelf 3 for though this was not, concernirrg,one -or a few particular . aids, bet $