Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

c 14 A P. 19. of juii fication is continued. but concerning his whole deportment , and concerning his State before God, upon the account of his deportment , and the Lord's difpenfations with him; yet it was a juftification of his Caufe , rather than of his Perlon ; for in the juftification of our Perfons, we have to do immediatly with God, and not with man ; and the queftion was properly about a matter at fad , to wit, whe- ther he had been a real beleever, or an hypocrite though Inch a matter of fait, as 'neerlyconcerned his whole State. 6. Nor do we here fpeak of that jullífication , even as to our Rate, which is before men, or in the judgment of men , which oft proceedeth upon tni fta- kesand unfure grounds; as the now mentioned inílance of gob's friends evi- denceth : ; and fo varieth , according to the various judgments %c apprehea- fions of men, yea and of the fame Man , at feveral times , according as the .grounds, whereupon he judgeth , are to him clear, or dark : Neither is this fentence or judgment of men, who are but fallible , and judge by out- ward appearance , not being able to fee into the heart , and judge how mat - ters are there , alwayesaccording to truth ; even though, according to that judgment of Charity , which the Law of God requireth : Nor is it Conllant and equable. 7. Nor do we fpeak of that guflifr'cation , whereof the Apoftle James fpeaketh Chap.,. which is not the juttification before God , whereof the Pipoflle Paul fpeaketh , in his Epiffles ; but the evidencing , proving and demonftrating thereof, by effects and works obvious to the eyes of others and demonftrative of thecaufe; Thofe I grant will,ofc admit of an intercib Son, through Temptation , and the prevalency of Corruption , and fo the caufe or true juftification may , as to this manifeftation, be eclipfed, though not in it felf. S. Far lefs do we here fpeak , of a groundlefs , fancied & fuppofed jufti- fication , whether in the a pprehenfion of deluded perlons themfelves, or of others : for this is no true Iuflification but a meer deiufion , as to themfel- ves, and a conjecture , as to others : and the fooner this be quite caft away and renunced , the better. 9. Nor do we here fpeak of that ?u flification , which is in the court ofmanr ovn confcience, or as it is there , and oppofed to that Jufifcation , which is in óod's court; for it is certaine , this luftifscation , which is faid to be in thecourt of confcience, is buta manifei ation of the other unto the mans confcience, and is fome times had, & fometimes miffed; fometimes it is more clear, Come times more dark and therefore can be oft repeated and reiterated , and intended and remitted; yea and Come may for a ;long time if not their whole life time be wholly without it , Walkingin darknefs with - out all light, as to this ; fome may once get a cleare fight thereof, and ne- ver fee more of it, till nigh the landing in eternity , & yet all this while, the Iulification, which is ja the court of God, remainefixed, invariable, and without any interuption. io. By Juffification here , we meane not that , which Come call a Parti- cular ¡juflif:èation, and do dittinguish it from an Univerfaljufiifzcation: by this underftanding an univerfal pardon of all fins part and -committed , and I i z by