2'62, of itifiification as continued. C ii A r, I , by the other underítanding a particular pardon of this or that fin that is com. misted , after the man hath been univerfally pardoned and accepted of God; and now pardoned after a new aEt of faith in Chrift : Though it be needlefs to debate, whether this Particular Pardon can be called a Iuftification , or not; yet it is certaine , it is not that Iuftification , whereof Paul fpeaketh fo much , and explaineth in all its caufes , in his Epiftles ; nor that Iufti- fication, which connoteth a change of State before God , and the trans- lation of a perfon out of an efface of Enmity into an eftate of Favour and Friédshipe, in reference CO which there mutt be a juridical fente'nce , paffed in tie favours of the man, through the imputed Righteoufnefs of Chtil}, received by Faith: while as this pofteriour ad of pardon of aparticular transgreflìon , is rather a Fatherly at pardoning the failingof his Son & re- ceiving hire againe into his Fatherly embracements. I I. Nur finally , do we here fpeak of that fentence of Abfolution , that shall be pronunced , at the Taft day ; for , howbeit that may be called a Iu- ltification; yet it is \not that 3ufiifîcatíon ,. w hereof we are now fpeaking,& it Both not make fuch a change in the [rate of Inch , as are thereby abfolved, as this doth ; and therefore , in refpeet of this , it is rather a publick De- claration and Manifeftation, before Angels and Men, of their 'unification, or being in a 'vilified (late , who shall be adjudged unto eternal life; than any 'unification connoteing a change of gate ,. Icing ohne in that day will be juftified but fuch as have been here partakers of this 'unification, where. of we fpeak , they who have been in heaven will need none , &fuch.as have been in hell will expect none ; & none of the living i who have not by faith laid hold on Chrift , will hear any other fentence , thin, depart from me, ye curled. aa. The juflification,then , whereof we here fpeak , is Thatchange of Rate before God, which fuch are made partakers of, as lay hold on Chrift by faith , through the Imputation of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift , whereby they are btought into an et }ate of Favour & Reconciliation with God , who were before under his \Vrarh & Curfe; and upon which they have all their iniquities,, whereof they are guilty , actually pardoned; are accepted or, as Righteous, and pronunced fuch through the Surety - Righteoufnefs of Chrift imputed to them and freed from the lenience Sc Curfe of the Law, under which they were lying. That we may cleare the nature of thislife of Juftification ; as to its con - tinuance, we shall lay down thefe few Propofitions. Prop': i. juflification denoted] a State, wherein the beleeverísbroughr, ;:real change, as to fiate : as a man accufed of force crime , & keeped in prifon till he be trued , & examined by an aff.:fe , is really changed, as to his Law five, when cleared by an affile , and pronunced not guilty, and fo ablolvedas to that, whereof he wasaccufed, andfet at liberty, he is now a free man, in Law : much more is there a great change in a mans Law -fla- te,. when before he was guilty of death, lying bound in fetters, keeped unto the day of execution , and now getteth a free Remifïion of all , when of a Man of death. he is made a free liege, as there is a change in a malls ¡late a