Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C H A r. i 9. of juffi fzcatïon as continued. z 6 Bate , and Relation , when he is made an Adopted Ion, fo is therea new Ra- te , wherein_ the firmer is brought,` when he is abfolved from the fentence, of the Law, and declared a Righteous man, Sanctification , Regeneration and Glorification , do all of them hold forth a new real State, whereinto he is brought , who is made partaker thereof ; fo 'unification with Adoption held forth a new relative ftate which is alto real,as real. is oppofed to what is falle , or imaginary. Hence is, it , that a beleever is ¡unified even whi- le he is fleeping & not acting faith ; as a perfon remaineth in a married Rlate, though not aëtually confenting unto the match, the content once granted en-. Rateth the perfon in that new Relation. Propof 2. This new Rate of "unification is continueing & permanent ; not in this fenfe , that God reneweth & frequently reiterateth the enftating of them into this new relative Rate ; but in this fenfe , that once ¡unified al- wayes ¡unified; they are fixed & prefèrved in that flare : as .Adoption is a permanent ftate , becau,e once adopted alway s a child of God. Hence it is called a grace, wherein rue jiandgyn. 5: z. It is a rate of Reconciliation and Peace wherein we Rand. It is no fluctuating Rate , wherein one may be to day & be out of it to morrow , and againe brought into it.The ground of this fentence is fixed; laningand permanent, to wit, the Imputation of the Righ- teoufnefs of Chrl t : once clothed therewith , :never naked or fpoiled there- of againe ; the gifts and calling of God being without Repentance Rom. i t: 29. The foul's union with Chri[1 through faith ,, is lafting and abiding : on.- cein Him ,`alwayesin Him, once a member of his myflical body & mar- ried to him , ashisfpoufe, and alwayes fo, for ;he mull finally prefentall fuch holy & without .pote, or wrinkle, or any fuch thing Ephef. 5: 2 ¡, Faith whereby the knot is made , and the marriage confent is given remai- neth , as to its root and habite , Chrift prayeth, that it fail not. Luk. 22: 3 z. They are keeped by the power of God through faith unto Salvation. z. Pet. I: 5. All the arguments proving Perfeverance of the Saints, which we cannot here fumme -up , do,confirme this. Propof. 3. Hence Iunification is aState, thatis not Interrupted and bro- ken off, and renewed and reiterated againe : as it cannot be quite taken away and annulled fo neither can it be broken off foratime, foss for that me, they should be in a non .junified Rate : the marriage once made is npr broken; the fentence once pronunced is not recalled firmes once pardoneé by God,are not laid againe to his charge. The Spirit that once fpoke peace laid , Son be of good cheer , thy finnes are forgiven thee, will not be againe , a Spirit of bondage unto fear Rom. S: 15. if luRificatíon cQuld at any time be th as interrupted , Adoption behoved to be interrupted with it and fo a childe of God behoved to be for that time a childe of the devil. The Scri'- pnire fpeaketh not of any luth relapfe into the Rate of Nature & Sin. And frith were fame of you , but ye are washed , but ye are f antti fled , but ye are ju- ',.Lifted , in the nameof the Lord je fus dT by the Spirit of our God is Cor. 6: l': t. on- ce brought out of Nature never reduced into that ',late againe: No more new 'unification , than new Adoption; Once quickened,never againe brought . i tco aflate of death in trefpafres & fins Ephef. t: r, S. for Inch are een i.i 3. brcrttl gl?