'64 of jufliftcation as continued. C H A P. 9 brought into a faife fate, being quickened tògetlier with Chrift; as Chrift being railed from the death, dieth no more , deatìi' äth namore dominion over him Item. 6: 9. fo they , who are planted with him , in the likenefs of his Death and Reforre Lion, may alvaayes reckon themfelves dead indeed unto fin, but alive unto God , through Jefus Chrift verf. 4, 5, i I. Hence there is no.Con- demnation to them that are in Chrift jefas Rpm. S: i. They are not under the Law , but under grace Rpm. 6: 14. And this holdeth true , notwithfand- ing of after-fins ; for if after- fins, & remanent finnes and corruption , could break of this relation , and make an alteration in this fiate , no man fhòtild b r faid to be one day in a jufifiedfate : for the bef of men falleth le- -, ven times a day in fin , and no man can fay, that he is free of fin : therebeing _ .no perfe ±ion here , there could be no fate of Juftificatiou confequently . no live of Adoption , and Reconciliation : if after -fins could break of this Relation or Relative State , a beleever could not be faid to be partaker of :any of the privileges attending this fate , for one day to end. New fins in- cwt-leed call for new RemiPïons, but théfe new Remifiions are fatherly par- dons , and not Inch à fentence of abfolution, as the perfon had at firft , when 0,4flranflated out of the flare of Death into Life , for then the perfon was not. a reconciled Sòn : but now he fandeth in a Rate of Reconciliation and Son snipe, Ev. his new pardons are the 'pardons of a Father , granted to a Son.; s we fee Pfal. S9: 3o, 31, 32, 33, 34. If his children forfa.kemy Late, and .walk not in my judgments ; if they break my flatuter Deep not my commen. dements; then will l vifue their transgre Jion with the rod , & their iniquity with f=ripes : never the left my loving kindnef s will I not utterly take from him , -nor fuf- fer my faithfulnefs to fail : my Covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing, that is gone of my lips. So 17oh. i S, 9. If we fay , that we have ño fin , we de- ceive ourfelves , and the truth it not in us.. If we confefs our fins , he is faithful and faro to forgive us our fins , d z: 1, 2. My little children , thcfe things write! unto you , that ye fin not : and if any man fin, we have an Advocat with the Fa- ther, efitsChrifl the righteous. 4ndhe is the Propitiation for our fins. Pjal. 103. 3, S, 9, 12, 13. Who forgiveth all thine Iniquities. The Lord is merciful and gracious , flow to anger e plenteous in mercy : he will not alwayes chide , neither will he keep his anger for ever,as far as theeafl is from the Weft , fo far bath here - moved our transgrefiiions from us : like as a Father pitieth hit. children , fo the Lord pitieththem that fear him. So this Bate remaineth firme and unbroken, nor - withfanding of the,various changes , which are in their apprehenfions con - cerning it ; there may.alter many a time in one day, But the Lords thoughts are not as our thoughts : nor are his wayes asour wayes , Efai. 55:-.8, 9. His fentence & judgment remaineth the fame, how alterable fo ever ours be. He is in one minde,though we be in many. Propel. 4. Hence alfo it is manifeft, that Iufification is an Infantaneous a ; that is, it is not a work, that is carried,òn by degrees ; but a fentence pronunced by the Lord , the Righteous Judge , once for all : Though here- after they fill need renewed pardons, & fo, may have moe finnes ac`rually pardoned this yeer, thsn they had the Taft yeer s yet Jufification, as relating . to their fate, is no progrefïìve work: We hear not of a grouth in Iuflifica. oti;