C H A P. 19 of juffification as continued. tion, as we hear of a growth in Sanctification; for as for that word Revel. 22. II. he that is Righteous , let him be Righteous Hill, or , let him be ju lifted fiill ',r- ua (),;714 will not import a growtta or progrefs in luflificatíon, but a conti- nuance in that (late : befide that others read átxatccvvnt+ 727r,rcd7ra : So Ar. Mont. T he complut edition, as alto the Syriack & Arabic Verfions. This rela- tive change , that ismadeinjuflifcation, is like the relative change, that is made in Adoption; now the art of Adoption is an Inílantaneous act, and not a work , that is carried on by degrees , nor doth it admit of a growth fo that an adopted childe of God can not be more the adopted childe of God this yeer, than they were the laft yeet; though the fenfe and clear Perce- ption of the one and of the other may & doth admit of degrees, & is not fo full & clear alwayes at the firft , as it may be afterwards. Propof. 5. Hence it followeth , That luflification is equal in all; that is ,_ that all who are juflified , are alike jutlified ; none more than others; as no ne are more Adopted than others fpeaking,of thefe , who are made parta- kersof the privilege : None can be faid robe more a fon than another; fo none can be faid to be more juftified , than another , who is alto juflified ; the Lord's fenrenceabfolveth all equally from all their fins , who beleeve; and admitteth them all equally into a State of Favoure and Reconciliation They equally paffe from death unto life, they have equally peace with God, they have all an equal imputation of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift , or a shale therein , none more or lets then others, though the faith, which laith hold on the Righteoufnefs of Chrift , be not a-like ftrong , in all ; for it is faith in the fame kinde in all , and the promife is tothekind, and not to the mea fure or degree of faith. It is no where faid , that we are juflified by a faith offuch a meafure or degree ; but by faith ;importing that how weak to ever faith be , if it be faith of the right kinde , it interefleth a foul in Chrift , & iii his Righteoufnefs, whereupon he is juflified. It is true, one may have many moe fins pardoned , than another. Yet both being Pardoned & Iu ftified , they are equally abfolved from all, that could be laid to their charge ; he that was the greater firmer, is not more liable to the Law, then he who was the leaft offender ; for the fentence of Pardon or Abfolution doth equal- ly free both from all hazard of Condemnation ;- as when two perfonsare pardoned , the one whereof hash committed many crimes worthie of death, the other but one, they are both equally pardoned, freed from prifon, and from the fentence, and fet at liberty : So alto when two perfons are pardon- ed, the one whereof hath a greater debt remitted, the other a lefer, they are equally pardoned the one is not more difcharged , though difcharged of more, than the other, but both are alike difcharged of all their debt , & freed from all trouble of Law upon the account of their debt. So in luftífi- cition, all who are juflified, how great fo ever the difference be among them , as to the finnes, whereof they were guilty, are alike juftified, be- caufe alike freed from the accufation and carte of the Law ; - & alike made partakers of the Privileges of Petfons pardoned ; have alike interefl in the -Favoure of God, & Right to glory. As to what difficulty may arife from the- coçrfideration of after finnes , we ;Ilan fpeak to that afterward. Propof 67,