C 1.6 of jt,ffification as continued. A P. 19; Propof.6. The State of InOElfication is perfect at the Eft , or Iuftification is perfeci and compleet to all ends and ores, This is clear from what is al- ready raid : for if 'unification be not an ad & privilege, that admitteth of degrees , or of increafe ; and doth not grow more and more dayly , it mu(t be perfeCt at fiat, or adequate to all ends and purpofes, for which it is ap- pointed , or have that perfection that is competent to it. It is true , it is not fo perfect, as that it can never be out of fight; or as if the fenfe & fee- ling of it might not grow or become greater; nor yet is it fo perfect & corn - pleet, asif thereby the juftified perron were freed from all fin, or all the confequences of fin in this life for it is not hereunto appointed, nor gran - ted for there ends. But in there refpects , and for there ends , it is may be faid to be perfect. (i) That all their former fins are pardoned , how many &. bow hainous fo ever they have been , for then all their fins are raft into the depths ofthe fèa, Micah. 7: 19. & are not found: ier. 5o: 2o. 1n thofe dayer, dam^ in that time, faith the Lord the iniquitie of Ifrael ¡hall be fought for , and there shall be none , the fins of judah , dT they shall not be found , for I will pardon them whom I referve. He taketh away all iniquity Hof. 14: Z. Then he imputeth no iniquity Pfal. 32:2, but coverall dT forgiveth fins , without exce- ption. Rom. 4: 7, S. Thns he redeemeth Ifrael from all his iniquities Pfal. i 3o: S. He forgiveth their iniquitie , d? remembereth their fin no more ger. 31: 34. lIeb. S: n. dr 1o: 17. He cafti all their finrbehinde his back. Efai. 35:17. Hereby is remifiìon of finnes , without any exception. Rom. 3: 25. Mat. 26: zS. Mark. 1: 4. Luk. 3: 3; ASE. 2: 33. di 5:31, d7' 1ò: 43. d 26;18. Eph. I: 7. Col. r: 14. He forgiveth all trefpaf es Co/of. 2: 13. and forgiveth all ini- quity Pfal. io3: 3. (2) Thefe fins once pardoned & blotted out , and cart be- hiríde God's back, are not againe laid to the charge of the lunified perfons: once forgiven alwayes forgiven : It is true , Satan may renew the charge, and ufe falle fummonds againft the Beleever ; & it is alío true, that after - fins may waken feares , & bring old fins againe to remembrance , & the Lord may let them fee their former debt , not to charge it upon them', but to bring them on their knees, to humble them the more , & to caufe them cry for, and reek out'new extracts of the Pardon received : yet the finnes that God once pardoneth , he never writteth down againe upon the fcore of Be- leevers, as if he had recalled the former pardon granted, for he remem- bereth their fin no more ter. 3 t: 34. Heb. S: x2. f r i o: 17. And for future fins by vertue of their S rate , they have accefs to Peek for pardon and have ground. (3) The Righteoufnefs of Chrif , which is a perfectRighteoufnefs, is fully and perfectly communicated and imputed ; fo as thereby they beco- me the Righteoufnefs of God in Chrilt Z. Cor. 5. lafl. He is their whole Righteoufnefs, in order to 'unification , and wholly their Righteoufnefs, as made of God Righteoufnefs unto them. jet-, 23: 6. I. Cor. a: 30. And with this Righteoufnefs, they are wholly & perfectly covered, to expeí`t it as found & hid there Phil. 3.: 9. & are made ¡Righteous Rem. 5: 19. is* 10: 4. (4) They are now wholly Reconciled unto God , and have Peace with Him; and not by half:s, or in Tome certain refpects only , as if in other refpects they were (till Enemies, or in a irate of Enmity : Being j unified by faith, 'they