Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C II A P. 19; of julification its continued., 1`67 they have Peace with God kom. once they were enemies but now they are reconciled verf to. by Chrift they have now received the Atonement serf. I r. once alienated & enemies in their mindes by wicked wçrks , but now reconciledCol. i. zr. once a far off but no made neer Ephef. 2: 13. the enmity being flaine. verf. 16. No more ft rangers or forreigners now, but fellow citizens with the Saints , and of the houshold of God verf. 19. Ther is the Lord pacified toward them , for all that they have done E{'ek. IC: 63. (5) They are compleetlytranflated, intoa new Covenant tiare, not halfe the children of Saran., and half the children of God ; not halfe in Nature and halfe in the (late of Grace , not half tranflated & halfe not Ephef. 2:1;119. Col. I: 21. not halfe quickened with Chritt, and halle not Ephef. i: 5. They are not now balle without Chrift, or aliens from the common wealth of lfrael , or ftrangers from the Covenants of promife, &c. Ephef. 2: 12. The- re is a perfect change , as to their ftate t. Cor. 6: II. (6) They are fecured as to final Condemnation , There is no condemnation for them Rom. S: I. being beleevers, they shall not perish, but have eternal life toh. : Ii, 16. He that beleeveth is not condemned verf. IS. See allo job. 3: 36. & 6: 47. They are pafhed from death unto life goh. 5: z4. I. roh. 3: 14. being difchar- ged of.all guilt 6f eternal punishment , which formerly they defetved by their finnes. And all this holdeth good, notwithtianding of their after fins; which (as we shall shew) do not annuli , or make any fuch breach upon their (late of Juftification ; It is true, thefe fins mutt alto be Pardoned, & will be Pardoned ; but yet when they are pardoned, their Ju(ti.fication , as to their fiate, is not hereby more perfeaed , as to thefe refpeds former- ly mentioned : It holdeth good alto, notwithftandingof what shall be at the greát day for that will put no man in a new Juftified Rate ,k who was not Reconciled to God before. It is true , there will be many additions , as to the Soletnnitie . Declaration, Confequences & Effeéts thereof , in that day, but notwithflanding hereof the flare of Jollification here as to what refpe leth its grounds & t he efîential change it maketh , together with the Right , that beleevers have thereby unto all , that in that day they shall be put in poffeflion of ,r is perfeól, & may be laid foto be. Propof. 7. By what is laid , it is manifeft , how & in what refpefts this life of ?unification differeth from the life of Sanctification. (1) Sanctification ma- keth a real Phyficàl change: 3ufiificarion maketh a Relative change.' And thereby they come to have a new State or Relation , unto the Law, & unto God the judge. {a} Sant ification is continueing work, wherein beleevers are more & more built up daily. juflification is an at of God, or: a juridical fentence , Abfolving a firmer, & pronunceing him free of the charge, brought in againft him , and not liable to the penalty. (3) Sanctification is a growing and increafing woik , & admitreth of many degrees ; & is ufually weak, and fmall at the beginning : guffi fscation doth not grow , neither loth it admit of degrees ; but is full & compleet & adequate unto all ends here. (4) Sandificatianis ever growing here., and never cometh to full Perfection before death : 'unification is pérfed & adequate unto all ends; as we sheav- ed. (5.) Santification is not alike in all but tome are more, tome are lefs R k fanai.