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2.68 of Jußificatton its continued. C H A P. 191 fanétified : But Tußification is equal in all ; none being more jutlified , than others. (6) Some meafures & degrees of Santlification , which have been attained , may be loft againe : But nothing of ¡ußification can really be loft;,. for we are not here fpeaking of the fenfe and feeling of Juflification , which frequently may be loll; but of Juftification it felf (7) Sanuitfication is a pro greflìve work ; $uffification isinitantaneous, as was shown. ( 8 ) Santiifica- tion refpeéterh the Being , Power & Dominion of fin , in the beleever, and killeth , fubdueth and mortifieth it : tußificacion refpeäeth its guilt& de-. merite, & taketh away guilt and the obligation to punishment, or obno- xioufnefs to the paying of the penalty. (9) In jufii ficaticn, a man is accepted upon thc account of the Righteoufnefs of Christ , imputed to him ; and received. by Faith : But in Santïifi cation , grace is infufed , and the Spirit.' given to'perfeEteholinefs in the fear of God.. (r o) In ¡ufii fication, there is a right had unto life, and unto the rich recompence. of reward , upon the account of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift imputed , whence they are faid to have patted from death to life: But in Sancti ficatioñ they are made meet to be partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in light. (xi) Unto j.ußificatïon nothing is required but faith in Chrift , whereby the foul may become uni- ted to Him , & have a right to his benefites : But untoSantltfication, all the graces of the Spirit are requifite , and all the exercifes of the fame; all dili- gence is required , and au adding of Vertue,to Faith , of Knowledge to Ver- tue , of Temperance to Knowledge , . of Patience to Temperance , of God linefs to Patience , of Brotherly kindnefs to Godlinefs, & ofCharity to Bro- therly kindnefs. i- Pet. t: ç, 6)7. Propof. S Hence it followeth alto, thar there is no ground to alert a firfì a fecond Ju(lification , as Papif s do meaning by the firft an,Infution of an inward Principle or Habite of Grace , which is no J.,ttification nor part thereof, but the beginning of SanEtification : and by the Second , another Juftification, which with them is an Effect' or Coñfequent of the former,.. having good works, which flow from the forefaid infufed principle of grace. & love , for its proper & formal caufe. This Jullification , they fay , is by works where as the former is by faith ; and yet this fecond , they make to bean Incrernentum , an increafe of the firft; and fór this they fay , the church prayeth , when she faith , Lord increa fe our faith, hope & charity. Conci!, Trid. Srfs. 6. cap. To. whereby we fee, this Jollification , whereof they fay ta- mes fpeaketh. Chap. z. is manifeftly nothing elfe, but the very grouth of Sanétification : and fo they know no Iutlification at all , diftin& from San - , ctification : wherefore we need fay no more again(t" the fame , it Ja- ftification , formerly explained , which we treat of, and not of Sanflihca- tien', whereof they feern only tofpeak , when they n:entione lu(tification; and indeed this their Iutlificatiou, which is true Sanctification , admitteth of various and different degrees, ; & of this , they may imagine not only a firf and a fècond, but according to the various degrees thereof a third and a fourth yea a Tenth & Twentieth, if they pleare. The Scripture , it is true,. maketh mention of a twofold Iuftifieation,oné by the 'Works of the Law, & another by Faith :ÿ but it afferteth with -all, that chefe are inconfiftent, anti, that