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n A P. I9. of jttfiification as continned. 261 that no man living can be juftified the firft ways by the works of the Law. Mr. Baxter, befide the difference he maketh , betwixt Ju(tification as Be- gun, and as Continued, in reference to the different conditions , requiredto the one , and to the other , imagineth a twofold Iuflifieation, or two Ju- flificationr , or (as he faith againft D. Tullie pag. 167.) rather two part., of one , yet in his lait Reply toMr.Carttvright pag. 46. he maketh them as dif- titiêl, as are the two lawes he fpeaketh ot,& the firff, he faith, is by God the Creatour, the fecond by Chrift the Redeemer and in order to the vindication & clearing of this , he fpeaketh mueh of a twofold R,ighteoafnefsla his writ - tings agaiuft Mr. Cartwright pag. 70. giving us feveral ( to the number of thirteen ) differences , betwixt them ; making the one to confft in out Non - obligation to punishment by the Law of works , becaufe of its diffolution upon SatisfaEtion made by Chrift : to be without us , in the merite & fads- fadion of Chrift ; to be in fubflance the fame, with Pardon ; to be oppofite to that guilt, which fin in general -procureth ; to be but the tantundem of what the Law required , to justify us from a true 'Accufation , that we by fin deferve death &c. And the other to confia in our Non- obligation to the far greater punishment ; to be within us & done, by us , to confia in inno- cency or notguiltinefs ; to be oppofite to thatutlt, which one particular ftn'procureth ; to be the idem required in the new Law ; to juftifie us from a falfe Accufation , that we have not performed the Conditions of the new Covenant &c. all which to examine is not my prefent purpofe : only I shall fay , as to this twofold Juaification , that it is an explication of the matter, which we have not in Scripture , which , I judge, should only regulat both ourCoiiteptions'& Expreflions, in this affaire : and what ever pleafure men may take, to give way to their Luxuriant phancies ; yet it will be fafeft for us to follow the thread of the Nord, and to fpeak of this myiterie , according to Revelation , and not according to our A pprehenfrons : And of all men, judge , Mr. Baxter should be molt averfe from creating new Termes, Words & Expreffions, in thefe divine things, who exprefíeth himfelf fo angry -like (efpecially in his later writtings) in words, which tofome may teem to favour little of fob: iety or of modeay , againft fuch as contend about words ;. when it may be, they are but defending the received ortho- dox doctrine from his new Notions and Exprefïìons, as being Cenforious , di- vider.,, Word fouldiers , & I know not what. But, as to the matter in hand; & in particular, as to this fecond tufhification, or rather fzrfl' (for it is iup- poled to be firft in older of nature, if not in time allo) which is founded upon our Innocency, or performance of the Conditions of the new Cove- nant, Faith, Repentance & New Obedience & fo is a declaring of us Righ- teous becaufe of our inherent Righteoufnefs, I shall only fay rhefe few things. It. That I fiude not this new Iuai_hcation explained expreffed , nor lo-Much as hinted by the Apotlle, in all his difcourfes- d difputes about this fubjeEt, though he bath fpoken very much of lutiftcation , and on all occafions did vindicate & clear up the gofpel truth thereanent. If it be laid , That all this is fufficiently hinted, & more then hinted by the Apoftle, when he leis thatFaith is imputed unto Righteonfnefs. I anfwere. What the proper K k 2 meaning