Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

C H h P. I9. Of jußif cation 4s continued, . 2,7F buted to the other new coyned /unification , according to his own explica- tion thereof : the one is by faith , the other is for faith ; the one is by faith alone, withour works, the other is becaufe of Faith & Works too; the one is an aE$ of God's free Grace ,. the other is an a& of pure luulice; the one is of'a'inner, and of an ungodly perfon , the other is of a Righteous man , as fuck, & becaufe fuch ; the one takech away. all boaftiug and all- gloriation even before men; the other not;. the one maketh the reward of free grace, the other of due debt;. the one is becauí. ofa Righteoufnefs without us , the other becaufe of a perfonal inherent Righteoufnefs ; The publicans language, God be merciful tome a inner fuiteth -the one ben; The Pharifees language, or fume thing like it , God, I thank thee , I am a belee.- ver fuireth -th - other ben;. I.n the oneieae the man can plead no inno cencie, in the other he can & mull plead hitpfelfnot guilty in the one , the' fiinner mutt fay with David Pfal.. 143:2. enter not into judgment with thy fer- vant, for in thy fight shall no man living be juflifled ; in the other, he may and muff fay , enter into jud;rnent (stub thy fervant , for in thy fight , I ;hall be ju- fiif;ed. Other things of this Nature might be mentioned , but thefe are fuflicient. 3. This New ju!liícation mutt of neceffity be a /unification of confcience, or in it , or terminated in it ; becaufe it is not before God , or in his fight , where the wo Ii1, or the deceived heart the chiefe aecufers he- re , do not compear to accule , & Satans accufing them before God can cau -- fe no trouble to them , until! he come, as an Accufer, before confcience, & give in falfe futnmonds there.. And therefore it is not the Ju[lification by Faith , treated of in Scripture : as himfelf provethin his Confeffson Chap. B,. rag.189. doe. 4. This will make way for moe Iuffifications than two; for as faith muff ae juflified fo mutt Repentance , fo mutt alfo Wotks , & Per feverancé in them to the end : If it be Paid., that all thefe make but onecompleec Condition , & therefore give ground but to one fentence. R- anfwer : Then no man can have this fentence pronunced upon him , to wit, to be one, that bath performed the Condition ,.until he hath perfevered unto- the end, & finished his coarfe, & this being the fluff Inttification, atleaff. in order of Nature before the other, a man mutt be dead before he be julli- fied from the Law , yea or with this luflification : and yet we hear of Iutt.ì fication in this life. Further this, will make way for Moe Juftifications,, upon thisaccount , that it is a declaration of man to be what he is indeed,. & to have what he bath indeed;. & fo , as hereby the man who bath true. faving faith,. mutt be jultified upon that account, fo the man , that bath, but an hitioricaltaith, mutt be juflified in fo far, in comparifonof.him, that is a meer infidel , and may plead his own cattle , fo far, even before Goci'i tribunal; fosnay the ma-n , that bath but a legal Repentance , in refped of him , that bath none at all ; & the man, that performeth Works material - lygood, though not in a right manner, in comparifon of him, that Both= not fo much,'& himfelf tels us rag. S,sag, Cartwright of a,3 fold Accufation ,. 3, that we are not beleevers. z. That we are not true beleevers , 3. that weare- ;, & that accordingly, there mutt beleveraiwayesofjufIiftcation._ g This will lay the ground for God's multiplying, or frequently reiterating K k 3, ofcno: