Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

36 what myfíeries to juflif c tion. C H A P. 6. as are really and truely Ungodly in themfelves and have nothing of their own but unrighteoufnefs within them , and whole righreoufneffes are but as filthy rags, Ejài. 64: 6. are. yet juftified by God upon the account of a perfect righteoufnefs, imputed to them & received by faith. In the judg- ment of God , fuch as in themfelves are Ungodly , are confidered as clo- thed with the perfect righteoufnefs dale Mediator , Chrift that Head & publik perfon , which free grace putteth on them , & they receive & ffand under by faith ; agd fo are juftified & declared to be righteous by God, whole judgment herein and fentence is moft righteous, & molt confonant to truth : for he juftifieth Inch , as are righteous , though not with their own inherent righteoufnefs yet with the righteoufnefs of their cautioner now made theirs. 3. Here is another piece of this myftery, That Tranfgreffours ofthe Law shall be Abfolvedand Juftified ;.8z yet the Law eftablished which threatneth death to Tranfgreffours andpromifeth life only to fuch, asobferve it in all points. Who can reconcile this feeming Contradi.dion, that is not ac- quainted with the glorious m.yftery of the Gofpel ? Paul, aman well ac- quainted with this myftery, tels us exprefly,that the Gofpel -way of juftifica- tion , which he preached , and fully cleared in his Epiftles , derogateth no- thing from the Law ,but eftablishethit,Kpm. ;:3r. Where , after he had cleared & confirmed the Nature and Caufes of Gofpel- juflification , & had faid verse o. that He was one God , who would jufli fie the circum.cifion (or J ewes) by faith , and the uncircumcif on (that is , the Gentiles) through faith; hob- viateth thisobjeEtion, that Tome might have propofed ,i& laid , What shall then become of the Law ? you make it void by fpeaking of faith , & afcri- bing juflification to it ,'as a mean , in oppofition & contradiction to works he anfwereth. Do we then make void the Law, through faith ? That be fay from us, yea weeflablisle the Law. So that there is nothing , in this Gofpel- juftifica- tton, that w eakeneth., or maketh void the Law but on the contrary, it is thereby more fully confirmed and eftablished : for, what the Law eouldnot dol, in that it was wear, through the flesh , God fending His. own Son , in the like- refs of jinful flesh, d^ for fin condemned fin in the flesh , that the righteounefs of the Law might be f u l f i l l e d in us , !tom. 8: 2, 3 . Here is then the myfterie , Tra nf- greffours of the Law are juftified , upon the account of what their Mediator, and Surety, their publik perfon &P,eprefenter did &fuffered, forSatis- faction to Law, Juftice & the Law - giver; & by what He did &tfuffered, the Law is more eftablished, then it would have been by any thing that we did,or could fuffer; for He made Satisfactí all its demands; there. was perfe 1 obedience, given thereunto, & its commands anfwered, in all points, by our Lord Jefus Chrift, who knew no fin, nor was deceite found in His mouth, 2 Cor. 5:21. Efai. 53 :9 And becaufe it was violated by finners, & the Curie threatned was due, therefore , He did alfo fatisfie that demand by dying the shameful death of the crois, & undergoing the wrath & curie, due to us for fist ; & thereby making a more perfeét Satisfaction unto the Sanction and threatning part of tlje Law, than we could have done, by ly- ing in hell for ever more. And b aith, clofeing with Chrift, & refting upon