Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

CH A P. 8. by RV ì from 4m. t: 14. eits. yo 1 flop , or Repentance (as for Confentox willingnefs & deffre , they are in-. eluded in Faith. ) But all this vet faith nothing for the Interefl of Works ( as it is pleaded ) in our juflificat ;on : And if tamer mean no other thing by works he shall give little ground to any to alert jollification by works , as is done this day , by too many. 4. He faith , That at the making of a Covenant is for the performing of it; & fubjeCtion is for obedience ; & Marriag for conjugal duties; Jo our fäid firft Covenanting -faith is for our (ware faith , Hop-, Comfort , e grateful obedien- ce d?' HolineJi. And the fe are the fecondary parts of the Condition of Salvation. And Jo are the fecond ary parts of our ju f iftcations Condition ,, as continued , or sot loft d?'confummat. For to juflifre us is to juflife our lightto Impunity d?' Glory. Anf., How different Faith as lultifying , or in its aóting in order to juftification, is from this Covenant making , Subjection & Marriage, as explained & ap- plied to this purpose by Mr. Baxter, is elfewhere showne. (z) That thefe graces are required in order to Salvation , we grant, shall not ftand to call them fecondary parts of the Condition of Salvation , as to its pofieflion; But (3) we are here fpeakirignfjuflification, and not of Salvation, which two differ , as we conceive , much more being required to the one, in cafe perlons live after their firft Faith , than to the other. (4) Vie have shown elfewhere , that juftification , as continued bath the fame Conditions that juflifi:'ation as begun hash , & of lofeing of juftification we read not in the Scriptures , not yet confummat jollification : thefe are Mr. Baxter: new Notions, with which we are not fatnfied. (5) OurR'ght to Imptwity & Glory is had by Chrift alone , when we are poffeffed of his Surety -Righ- tecufnefs, through Faith ; and thus are juflified by Faith And how ju- fl fration is a juft fication of that Right, Mr. Baxter would do well to ex- plaine. In the la ft place he faith. That our own performance of the Condition of the. free Gift of Impunity d7 Glory by the New Covenant purchafèd byChrifi'sKighteouf- nefs it the thing to be tried d9' judged in God's judgment. And theref re we mull fo far be then juflified from the charge of not performing tkat Condition of being In fz- dPlr, unfantlifed, Impenitent, hypocrites , Apoflats ; dr fo of having no part in Chriff d^ the free gift, even by our perfonal , Evangelical Faith , Holt nefs , Re- pentanee , Sincerity & Perfeverance. Anf. Then , it feemeth mines fpea- keth only of works, in order to final Salvation , or our jollification; at the day of judgment, and not in order to our jollification- here , when first brought out of nature into the State of Grace : And if fo, what ground can any hence have, to inferre our ptefent juftification CO be by works , unlefs they think, that whatever is required antecedent unto our Final Salvation, is required alfo antecedent to our firft juftification ? which I know Mr. Bax- ter will not fay. And if this be all that /artier faith , why did nor Mr. Bax- ter give this as a ground of reconciling anes with Paul, that 7arnesfpeaks of works,, in order to Final Salvation, but Paul -, excludeth them, in re+ ference to juftification ? This would have had greater agreement with what the Orthodox fay than to tell us of works being the fe. condary parts of the Condition of our jullification, and that7amesIn. clu.