Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

a 50 g obn Forbes, and Wendelinc xrguinents and reafonings C H A P. cannot be a compleet Righteoufnefs , which requireth conformity to the whole Law , in all points , & that all the dayes of our life. Wherefore Chrift's obedience being a Righteoufnefs ( which conufteth in full confor- mity to the Law ) mull be perfect, & correfpond with the whole Law , & cannot be one only ad, once only performed; & that fuch an ad too , is no formal at of obedience to the Law at all. His Second ground is taken from the fignes & feals of the Righteoufnefs , which is by faith , that is Baptifine & the Lord's flipper & tels us , that they frgnifie i? reprefent to ur , what it the R ghteou f nefs. it felf, whereby we are ju- f ifed, dT feale eonfirme unto ur, that that RZighteouJñefr it ours. Anf. I should rather think , that they reprefent & exhibite whole Chrift , &feat to belee- vers, or the worthy receivers their intereft in Him , & Right to Him , and to all his Spiritual benefices. And though thefe Sacraments , do in a more fpecial manner , reprefent Chritt, a -s fuffering , or as dying ; Yet it is no good confequence hence to inferre , that his dying alone & shedding his blood is our Righteoufnefs ; for his death is principally & fpecially there held forth , as being the laft & compleeting aft of his Mediatory obedience, in his Rate of humiliation , unto which all his former as of obedience had a fpecial refpeft; & in which they did all ultimatly terminate. And by what reafon , will it be proved , that nothing done or fuffered by Chrift can be any part or-portion of our Righteoufnefs in him , but what isdittinUly & ex- prefsly reprefented & pointed forth by thefe feales; What shall then bcco- t<rie of his foul fufferings in the Garden , & on the Croßë ? thefe were not his blond , nor his broken body : & therefore , according to him , make no part of our Righteoufnefs in Chrift. But we dar not fay this. His Third ground is from Heb. ro: 5, 6, 7. &c. cited out of Pfa1. 4o,. And Maus he argueth. The obedience ofChri(11, in the matter of our IZighteau(nefr, it of 770 larger extent than is the will of God , . which he did obey dT by which we are fan,$i fled. Rut this is reflrained only to the offering of Chrifi. Anf. The minor is here denied, there being no fuch retlraint made , as is alleiged : for he came to do all the will of God & therefore was baptifed , that he might fulfill all Righteoufnefs: It was not ferving to the Apoflles fcope , to mentione any other ad of obedience , than his offering up of himfelf; but his mentioning no other there , will not exclude all , mentioned elfewhere : Sure , the Ad- verfarie will not exclude the promptitude & readinefs of mind , that Chrift unto the offering up of himfèlf, long before the appointed time, as being no part of that obedience , that he performed ; It cannot then be Paid that by his once offering up of himfelf, at the !aft , alone , we are fanètified & by nothing going before in conlun &ion with this. But he tels us, that our tu- f;*ifcation, R, conciliation, drec. are ever attributed unto the bloud, death d ? Croft of Ghri fi. Anf. Never exclufively as to his preceeding obedience : Yea we are to be faved by his life R,on. 5: to. & juftification is upon Chrift's Righteouf nefs verf. IS. And all tnis will as well conclude for the exclufion of his fore - going obedience from being requifite in Chrift (as he faid above) to the end he may be Ighteoufnefs to us , as for excluding of it from beingany part of our Righteoufnefs : as alfo the next thing he faith t concerningPaul':. TO-