C H A P. 9. agetinft the imputation of Chtifis affive obedience. 509 refpedting in his preaching only the crofle of Chrift : for the Apof le is not there fpeaking meerly of the matter of our Righteoufnefs, but of the Gof- pel way of Salvation , through a crucified Mediator , which the wifdom of this world defpifed ; And to this , fure , our Author will willingly acknow- ledge that more belongeth , than his death abftraraivly confidered. His fourth ground is from Heb. i o: IS. whence it followed, , faith he , that iu nothing , which it in Chri fl him fel f before his death , conf (i eth the remit/ion cf eur fins , i5 foconfequently our R .ighteoufñefr. Anf. We willingly grant that in nothing , that Chrift did before his death , confidered abftrac`tly from his death and feparatly by it felf , did reinifliion of fins conuitt , or to fpeak mo- re properly , was fatisfadlion made , in order to remiffion ; Yet henceit will not follow , that all his preceeding obedience was no part of his Righteouf- nefs , or of that , whereof we are made partakers in him ; more than it will follow , that it was not reguitite in him to the end , he might become Righeeoufnefs to us : If any laid ( as he f emeth to alleige ) that all our ini- quities both original & a &ual were pardoned in his preceeding actual obe- dience , ( which I shall be loath to fay , nor know I who fpeaketh fo ) them his argueing were good , that then Chrift should be madeto dye without a .caufe. If any fay , (asheinfinuatethalto pag. io4.. ) that Chrift was offe- red only to remove the punishment ofour fin , and not the fin , or guilt the- reof, I shall not approve of it. Yet I cannot affent to what he faith. Ibid. That the very offering of Chrift for fin , fecludes all things preceeding what - foev.er, from all vertue or effi acy ofremoving iniquity ; for then it should feel ide his foul (offerings , which , lure, were no fmall part of the Satsia- thon made by hin-i for fin . Neither will it hence follow that all his fore- going ads ofobedieuce matte no integral part of that Surety - Righteoufnefs., which hé undertook tope,fortrre. He citeth for his frfl ground i. goh. i:7. To which wehv-, That it is true , the blond of ]erns Chrift cleanfeth from all fin, becaufe it was the blond of him , who had fulfilled all Righteoufnefs, & in his death had coanpleeted that Saiisfadlion he undertook to do : He tels us againe peg. to j. from Rom. 4. That unto eternal bleffednefsitirfìtfcient to have remifiion offins: But h . remembereth not , that all fuch as have re- million of fins , there , have Righteoufnefs allo imputed without works : & we deny , that Righteoufnefs conufteth , in remiffion of fins alone : But in all this , he is difputing only againft fuch, who fay, that remiffion of fins is had by the imputation of Chrift's actual obedience , & by his death , free - dome from punishment is obtained ; & with fuch , I have nothing to do. To what he here addeth of the difference betwixt an innocent man , & a juft man , enough hath been Paid already elfewhere. Hisfixt & laft ground pag. toS. is builded upon the Law of the Prieflhood, which faith he , was ordained of God , for this end tc make expiation of our fns, d to brim ur unto God , which two were shadowed m two aEfionr , in the day of Expiation vi. in offering f acri f ce iJ^ c. d7 in carrying the names of the tribes , en- graven in the (loner on his shoulder es' brefl plate. And this is fo far from ma- kin nagmes of thehTribes, ton the rEphod, rwhich was(upon the other holy z gay -