C H A P. 9. Aping the Imputation of Chrifls attire Obedience. 51 it & fubfifling therein, in refpe£t whereof he became heir ofall things , & Lord ,of life ; & therefore flood in no need of working out a life of obedience for a crown to himfelf : wherefofe, what he did as a Pater was for us , for whom he fub;e led himfelf, & became obedient , even to the death : And more- over all his acts of obedience were not the acts of obedience of a meer crea- ture , out of one who was God-man ; for his humane Nature did not fubfift of it Pelf, and fo did not of it Pelf as a nature not fubfifling , performe aas of obedience , but in the Godhead , & pet formed a6ls ç (obedience,, as fo nib- fitting. W e have faid enough to this at feveral occafions before. It was Anfwered Chrift was made man not for hitnfelfr but for us; The- refore he obeyed not for himfelf , but for us , that is , in our place. He Re- plyeth. t, The Anteced. is ambiguous. : if you fay Chrift was made man for ur that is , f )t' our good it it granted , if for us, that it in our room , it is denied: for what Chrifl war made , in our place . that we are not boundto doe to be , ar he was made a curfe for ur,that we might not be an eternal curfe.But Chrifi by his Incar- nation did not obtaine, that we should no more be men , or be bound to do thing congruous to humane Nature. Anf. Vie grant that he was made man for us, not in our room , but for our good : Yet do hence gather, that he being made man for our good , to the end he might come under the Law , both as to its duty & as to its curie , under both which we were lying , what he did , as well as what he futfered , while in that Condition , in order to the ends of his being made man , for our good , was in our room & (lead ; becaufe this was our debt & he became man for our good , that in our (lead , he might pay our debt. The reply is not grounded upon that: word alone , he war made of a woman, but on that , with what followeth. Made ofa u'oinan, ma- de under the Law. And if it.would have neceffarily followed , from his being made of a woman, that he would have been under the Law for himfelf; to what purpofe was this added, made under the Law ? And yet we fee the mai- ne emphafis,lyeth here , becaufe of whit is added to redeem them, that were tinder the Law, And why did the tame Apoflle Phil. z =7, S. after hehad,faid, that he too(u pan him , the forme of a fervant, & was made in the lil¿encfr of men, d found in Fashion, as a man , tell us moreover , that he humbled birnfelf, e became obedient unto death, Icing this did neceffarily follow his being man, & that for himfelf? And may it not hence be inferred, that the exaltation af- ter ward mentioned verf: S, 9. was given CO him , not as Mediator , but for ry himfelf, as an humble, obedient man ? . HeR.plieth 2. den). ing the Cor,fq. for (faith he) albeitChriß war made man, not far hi,- turn, but for our good; Yet after he war made man be was a man by him felf, e therefore fubjea to the Lam by himfelf, im for hint fel f, at man: as after be a'Tumed a body f ubjea to corruption of it felf, he Pod in need for himfelf, of meat , drink, refl. &c. As it was not nece ffary for man to be created, fo nor for the Word to be incarnate, & to alfutne the forme of a ferrant, but only upon fup- pofition. Yet as man , being created , is nocejfarily fubjea to the Law of hit Crea- tor; So the Word being ra,adc man , is , asman , necef arsly fubjeE to the Lao of God. Anf. (t)Chrift, being made man, for our good, & particularly for this end, that he might come under the Ltw , 3 pay our debt, he was not fubje t