5 t a yam ponies, and Wendelin`s Argetments and rea f ni gs, CH a. P, 90 fubjeét to the Law for himfelf. (z) Though he was true man , having mans Nature , yet he was not made man , asother men are ; for his humane Na- ture had no fubfitìence of its own , as other men have ; & therefore could not for it felfbe fubjeét to the Law , as other men are. (3) How or what way Chrift's body was fubje& to corruption , of it fell, we need not here deba- te ; it is fuficienr, to note , that our queftion here is about moral a&ons as .fuch , the pjformance of which was a part of our debt. (4) What is added, is bat a repetion of what is denied , to wit that the the word , beco. ming man , lid become , upon "that account neceffarily lubjeä to the Law for himfelf. His 2. Arg. is. If Chri fl did performe aftive obedience , ibt our room , fo as it might be imputed to us unto Righceoufnefr, then we should be no longer obliged to performeaftive obedience to the Lair. The reafon of this , he taketh from the hke , faying, as we are not obliged to undergo eternal death , becaufeChrtff bath fuftaitied that, in our room. Anf. To this enough hath been Paid envy her,. l shall only here fa; , That it will no more hence follow , than from the Sa- tisfa&tion of Chrift ( whatever Socinians alleige ) that we are tooled from all obedience to the Law; but only that we are loofed from that obedience , which was required , under the Old Covenant of works , to wit , to perfe- ,L'te obedience; & thereby obtaine the prize, as our reward of debt; and faite in the leaft , & lofe all , which were the Conditions of the Old Cove- nant ; and as to this we deny the minor. He replieth by denying , what is now in queflion , to wit , That Chrifi performed attive obedience , in ourrocm , to procure eternal life to ur,a arming that he was bound to do it for himfelf, e fo did rneritenothing to ut thereby, Anf. This is bur, what was Paid above ; & hence it iscleare, that, in his judgment, drift wrought for -the crown of glory to himfelf, & did meriteit to himfelf: & fo had no Right thereto before, by verrue of his hypoiiatical union , let be pof dTion , albeit all the Angels were to worshipe him , & his throne was for ever & ever Heb. a: 6, 8. He addeth. If notrinthflanding bfChriff's aflive fatisfaftion, tre be obliged to fatis fie aflively ; fo , nottvithftandtng of his pave fatirfadion roe should be bound to fatirfre paffively, that is pilfer eternal death, Anf. All the obedience now required , is no farisfadion to the Old Covenant - Conditions : Chrift bath fatisfied that , and left no part thereof for us to do; And therefore it will not follow, that we are bound to fufzer eternal death or any part of .the Curfe , as loch. To that anfw ere , that fame gave, that by Chrift's a&ive'obedience we have this advantage, that we are more obliged unto rigide & exa6t obedien- ce. Hereplieth. That then toe should not fin by short - coming, or negligence. Anf. But by that rigide & exaét obedience, is not meaned full conformitie unto the Lbw ; but fsch a conformitie , as was the Condition of the Old *Covenant, as is faid; that is, we are now freed froinobraining the crown, Or right thereto by perfect conformity ( which to us is imponible) & from lofeing of the crown upon the leaft efcape or failing. Allobedience runneth -snow