C t3 A F. tree Imputation of Chrifis alive Cbedience, S $`3' now in another channel , though the commands & the Law , as a Law & ruleof walk , remaine the fame. His 3. Arg. is. The Scripture every where , fpea(ing of our jteffli fication & par don, mentionethChrifl's pajTve, d..9* not his arrive obedience. As Eja:. ç, 6. Korn. 3:24, 25. & 5: 9. Gal. 3: t 3. r. Ph. is 7. Anf. It is denied that the Scripture cloth every where nentione only Chrifl's paffive obedience, and the cottrary hath been frequently showne. And as to the places mentioned, none ofthetn containe any exclutive particle , or hinte the exclufion of his wive obedience : And our Adverfaries thetnfelves muff underhand thefe & the like parages , Synecdochically, otherwayes they shall exclude Chrifl's foul fuferings, as well , as his naive obedience, & rellrick all to his death &" blond shed on the croffe ; which yet they will not do. Now followeth his anfwere to fume Arguments for the contrary Arg. r. Two things are required unto our Salvation, delivery from death, & the gift of "fe; that is had by expiation of fin by his fuffcring, this by the dona- tion ofR+ghteoufnefs, or imputation °F nsaétiveobedience. He anfioeretli. The pagiveobedienceofChrìfl bothcxpiateth fin, d? giveth life, his death givetb life r Pet. 2: 24. & 3: IS. Anf. I rue , but the reafon is, becaufe it was the death of one, who had fulfilled all Righteoufnefs : we need not (peak of his obedience & of his fufferings , foditlindlly , as to afcribe to each feveially,. thefe feveral effedls; it is better I judge, to take both conjuncfily, as one compleet Righteoufnefs, for us , & one meritorious cau- fe of all the benefites procured thereby. Arg. 3. ( for the Arg. 2. i paffe , as judging it not cogent. ) The atlual difobedience of Adam made us (inners. He antwereth. If by anual obedience of Chrifl , in the Confeq. his aftive obe- ,dience be underflood ( for his paffive may alfo be called anual , to that anually 5 not potentially only he fufered ) & that imputed to us , the confequenr is denied : for óhrifl's paffive obedience imputed bath reflored unto us what we loft by Adam's difobedience. Anf. But 'thus the comparifon, that Paul maketh Rpm. S. be- twixt Adam's difobedience & Chri(l's obedience is taken away : He oppo- feth the Righteoufnefs of Chrifl to the offence of Adam: now Chridl's death & futrering is no where called his Righteoufuefs : So he oppofeih obedience to difobedience , & therefore, as the difobedience was the violation of the Law' , obedience mull he the keeping of the Law. ChriR s death imputed is no Righteoufnefs anfwering the commands of the Law ; and therefore, though it did merite the recovery of what we loft in Adam , being the death of one , that fulfilled all Righteoufuefs ; Yet confidered abftraélly by it felf without his alive obedience it cannot be our formal Righteouf- nefs , with which we mutt be covered & as having which we mutt be con(i- dered , when juftified of God , who pronunceth none Righseous , but fuck' as are Righteous indeed. Arg. 4. \\ilith Chrift's acftive obedience , his paffive was conloined. He ant. Denying the confeq. that therefore the one cannot be imputed withoutthe other : for things conjuñfit can be diftirouished; d7 as the one can be !known, fo alfo imputeelinitkout the ether. Anf. ßut they are fo conjoined, as being integral p.art;