C t; A P. 9. 4gaieff the imputation of Chrils aFtive O6ediente. S t 5 It was excpted , That the Law is nor fulfilled by fuffering the punishment r for the Law & the command is one ; but punishment fulfilleth not the com- mandetnent, it only fatisfieth the threatning. Therefore the fuffering of the punishment can not be the caufe of the reward. He ant. by denying the Antec. & fay ing, that by f tfering of the punishment the Law it fwl filled by the Mediator,partly formally , in that he fufered the pu- nishment due to us by the Law , partly efficiently , in chat by his fuJteringr he not only tookaway the Curfe , but acquired a holinefs to us , d9' with holinef , life eter- nal. Anf. This anfwere is no way fatisfying ; for fuffering of the punishment, as fuch , is no obedience to the Law ; and of the fulfilling of the Law by obedience to the commands thereof, did the Exception only (peak, no matt will fay, that fuch as are now fuffering the punishment in hell , are any way fulfilling the Law. Neither is that holinefs, procured by Chrift's death, any fulfilling of the Law , according to the Old Covenant ; & fuch a fulfilling is required , in order to the obtaining of a right to the reward of life , pro - mifed in that Covenant. fie anfwereth againe , that when thethrcatningof the Law is satisfied, that is done , which the Law commandeth to be done; d5 fo in part the Lams ful filled. Anf. Suffering as fuch is no commanded thing , & the Law conßituting a pe- nalty , maketh only fuffering to be due , but Both not enjoine any fuffering So that though the Law be fatisfied with a SatisfaEtionlaid downby another, fo far as that the other is not to fuéfer ; Yet by this paying of the penalty , the Laves commands are not fulfilled in whole , nor in part; And the Law , as to the commands , mutt be fulfilled, erea right to the reward, promifed to obedience', he obtained. Arg. 6. is taken , from paffages of Scripture , mentioning the a dive obe- dience of Chetti , fuch as Dan. 9: 24. ter. 23: 6. I. Co.. 1: 30. kom. 5: 19. Phil. 2: S. He Anf. 1. That thefe places do not prove, that Chrifi's ¡alive obedience is im- puted, fo as by it we are accounted observers of the Law. Anf. Thefe paffages fuf- ficiently prove , that his a&ive obedience belongeth to that Righteoufnefs & Satisfaction , which is imputed unto us; & the fruites of the Righteouf- nefs of Chrift , imputed , are here as well afcribed to his active, as to his pave obedience : of the places in particular, we have faid enough else- where : ourdifput here is not about imputation, but about that which isim- puted, or that, which is reckoned to us, as our Righteoufnefs , & this , we fay, cannot be pure fuffering of the penalty ; for that, as fuch, is no Righ- teoufnefs nor no where is it fo called. He Anf. 2. That it only ,followeth , that the reforming of our corrupt nature could not be had from Chrifi d? by Chrifl , without bis aaltve obedience. Anf. The fame may as well be faid of the pafïìve obedience ; & fo the caufe shall be yeelded unto the Socinians : But the matter is clear. That Chriß isonrcompleat Righteoufnefs , not effeäivly : fbrhe worketh no compleat legal Righteouf- nefs in us, that is a Righteoufnefs according, as was required in the Old Co- venant a And betide the expiation of fin, he brought in a Righteoufnefs , which is called everlafting Dan. 9: 24. which can not be underftood of our S f f ,itg-