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i 516 yolin For&es,and Wendelin's Arguments and yea fonings, C H A P. imperfet fanc$ification. And befide that he is our Sanctification , he is out Righteoufnefs z. Cor. z: 30. & therefore muff be our Righteoufnefs another way , than by working it in us ; for fo is he our Sanctification. And Etom. 5.. our juflification & life is directly afcribed to his Obedience & Righteouf- nefs. To that Phil. 2: 8. he faith. The meaning it , that Chrifl from his Girth to his death , did fo accommodate himfelfto his Fathers will , that he Juffered all moll, patiently that war to fit ffer , even the curled death of the croffe. Anf. It was a fuf- fering of what he was ro fuffer even to come under the Law , for that was a part of his humiliation ; & the text faith he humbled himfelf, & beca- me obedient ; and there is no ground to reftrick the word Obed :ent, to his fuffering only. 4 g. 7. Chrift was made under the Law for us Gal. 4:4, S. He Anf. He was made under the Latn for our good , that he might be a fit Me= diator. Anf. Why may not we as well admit the fame fenfeofChriff's being faid to be made a curfe for us , towit, that it was only for our good; and fo give up the Caufe to the Socinianr ? Then it feemeth all the Hypoilaticai union , Sc his having the Spirit, without meafure, was not fufficient to ma- ke him a fit Redeemer for us. Nor was he a fit Mediator , unrill he had finis- hed his whole courfe of obedience. And yet he was borne a Saviour Luk. 2: x> . And was the Lord's Chrift verf. 26. & Salvation verf So. Arg. 8. ' Ve are made acceptable ,unto God in the beloved, Chriff, E= 3 het. I: b. He Anf. We are acceptable to God by inherent obedience, which Chrifl bath pur- shafed by his fufferingr. Anf. But the Text is to be under(food of a being made acceptable, in order to our obtaining the iedemption , mentioned verf. 7. that is , the Corgi venefs of fins; & fo cannot be meaned of that acceptation which is upon our inherent holinefs, which followeth our juftification lei Pardon. Arg. g: Chrift hash purchafed his Church, that he might prefent it to him - felfa glorious Church , not having (pot or wrinkle Ephef. 5: 27. He An f. That Chrifl did purchajè by his death the churches inherent Righteouf< mfr. Anf. This is granted. Bur notwithftanding , the expreflìons here ufed, & in the foregoing verfe, will hold north a full cleanfing , not only from the ftaine & power of fin , in Sanctification ; but alfo from the guilt of fin in ju- flification, the Church m,iff be prefented without fpot , or wrinkle, or any Inch thing, & cleanfed with the washing of water, & holy & without ble- mish : Now in order to jultification , the finner muff be clothed with a corn pleat Righreoufnefs, Arg_ to. Beleevers are found in Chrift, having a Righteoufnefs Phil. 3: 9` How forceable this place proveth our point, hath been shown elfewhere. He An f. The R.ighteoufnefr of Faith is twofold, one is imputed d5 pprehended byJ'axh, which i.s Chrifi's pajjive obedience ; the other is inherent, which is el fo by Faith Anf. But Paul here layeth by all his inherent Righteoufnefs which was'his own, & was according to the Law;; & only betaketh himfelfo, tto that R;ighteaufnefs,. which is of God by Faith ; & this is not to be re(tric- ke l' A