54 $ The Fathers and forge Papls, CEIAP.Itiv C H A P. X. The Fathers give Countenance to the Do&rine ofImpu- tation ;. and Come PapilIs approve it. Hat it may not be thought , that the Do &tine of the Imputation of the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, is a new up -dart opinion, I sha',1 here fer down tome of their Teftimonies unto this truth. Jußin. Martyr. Epijl. ad Dio net. p. 386. Q yid enirn abed peccata nofira po. tun tegere, quam ejur /uflitia S in quo a/io nor iniqui ds'impii pro juj7is haberi yofunttr, quamin folo Dei filio ? O dulcem permutationern! o srnpervefligabiáe artificiurn ! O benefìcia expe(tationenn omnern fuperentia ! ut iniquitar guidon anulrorum in juflo uno nbfcondatur; juflatia autem uniu r faciat , ut multi snju ii pro juffis habeantur. i. e. for what elfe could cover our lens, but his ( i. e. Chrill's ) Righteoulnefs ? in whom elfe , could we , who are naked & un- godly , beaccounted for Righteous perlons ? than only in the Son of God ? U fweet permutation I O unfearchable Contrivance ! O benefices excee- ding all expeE'tation ! that the iniquity of many should be hid in one judf one: & the Righteoufnefs of one should make many , who are unrighteous, be ac- counted Righteous. Againe in lib. de Expofitione fttlei. Filius Dei , quatonur homo, vitam ab Crimine rernotam traduxit ;. wort claque voluntarism pertulit per exai~lam d? ac- euratam Converfátionern , peccatum oblireranr, d? per mortem indebitam debi- turn delenr. i. e. The Son of God , as Man , led a life free of all fault , and fuffereda voluntary death ; obliterating fin by his exatt & accurat Converfa- tion , & deleting the debt by an undue death. lren.eur Adv. Hreref. c. t ç. Dominus in Ariicitiam nor reduxit per plain in- earnationern, mediator Des d? bominum /anus , propitians qurdrm pro nobir Pa- :rem , in quern peccaveramur , d? nofïram inobedtentiarn Conjolatus nobir au- tern donanr earn, qu.e ell ad Faioren not rurn, Converfsstionern dT Subjes`lionem. i.e. The Lord brought us into friend ship -e by his Incarnation, being ma- de a Mediator betwixt God & M.añ ; Propitiating the Father for us ,.again) whom we finned & comforting us over our difobedience: but freely giving us that Converfarion & Subjection, which is to our Maker. Athanafiur Tom. z. p. 2.70. Necefarium eß, maxirneque necefarium, ere. dereScripturisSancir, confiteriexnofiro enere primitias, cele6rarefngularem_ attmentis in genus humanism arnorem obflupefcere magna"aconemi;C arque difpo ftticnir miraculum , non rim ere execrationem legis (Chrifius enirn nor a maledi- ¿ ione legis likeravit ) impletionem legis a prirnitiis faaarn toti mafe aUcribere (imputare, in the Greek it is 2,0).450,9-at ) i.e. It is necefary yea molt ne- cefiary , to beleeve the holy Scriptures , to confelfe the lira fruits (i. e. Chrift ) of our kind , to celebrat that fingula r lo'ie of him that al-flu-fled (vi, . Mans Nature) unto mankind; tp be attonish.ed at that miracle of the great Occo-