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CH A P. 10. Approve the Doarine of Iwputattott. 5 r 9 Oeconomie & difpofition; not to feare the Curfe of the Law ( for Chi i!t bath delivered us from the Curfe of the Law). afcribe or impute the:ulfiflirg of the Law , done by the fir fl fruits , unto the whole malle. The fame Author de Incarn. tterbi contra Samofat. Torn. t. p. 4H. Inr-. pcfbileeft puritatem áJ innoeentiam in humana natura exhiber ;, vifi Deus creda- turin carne efe, qui juftitiarnomni peccatoliberaminmundurn intrúduxit, cet jus quia participer redditi furnus, vivemus falvabimur. lllud enim non ell frtßus in terra , qui bonunt facial , &non peccet , in commune , ad omner horni- ner pertinet, unde ex- ceelodefcendit, qui immaculatam ex fi jtflútam daturas erat. i. e. It is impo(Tible that purity & innocency shall be exhibited in mans nature , unlefs we beleeve, that God is in the flesh, who hath brought into the world a Righteoufnefs free of all fin , of which becaufe we are made partakers , we shall live & be faved : for that there is not a ju(t man upon earth , who doth good & finneth not , Cath appertaine to all men in com- mon , wherefore he defcended from heaven , who was to give a pure Righ- tecufnefs of himfelf. Chryfofl. When a Cavilling jew shall objc t , how can the world belayed by the Rectitude, or Obedience of one Christ ? Anfwere him againe , by asking, how carne the world to be condemned by the difobedience of one Adam? Greg. Nyßen. Orat. z. itt Cantic. Chrif as in fe tranftatis peccatsrum meortnn fordibus , pnri'atem pram rneeurn comrnunicavrt ; rneque pulchritud,nis ejur- -, lux ipfoefl , participem fecit. i. e. Christ having tranflated the Hit h. of my tins upon himfelf, did communicat unto me his own purity, et made me a partaker of thatbeauty , which is in him. By there we may fee , that even before duguftinr day es, this Truth was affected , though Mt. Baxter, in his book agatnft D. Tully Ch; 1. §. 3. inti- mate the contrary. Cyrillur Alexandr. in Joan. lib. Ir. c. zç. uemadmodum pravaricartme primihcuntnrs ut in primitiis generis nofiri, morti add:fli filmas : eodem modo per obedientiam dl juftttiam Chrifli, in quantum fèipfurn legi fubjecit, quarn- vis legis Author efet, benediato atque vivifìcatso , qua per Sptrrrtm eft, ad to- tam noOram penetravit naturam. t. e. As by thetranfg,efíìon of the lr(.l man,. as in the firil fruits of our kind , we are adjudged unto death ; fo the fame way by the Obedience & Righteoufnefs of Chi ì(l , in as mac h as he fubje- tted himfelf to the Law , though he was the Author of the Law, the bleiling & Vivification ,. which is by the Spirit , did reach to our whole Nature. Leo Epifl. 72. ad tuvenaIem. Ut auteur repararet omnium vitam , recepit omnium caufam, d.9" vim veteris cbirographi pro omnibus folv+endo vacuavit : ut flew per unius reatum omner faffi fuerant peccatorer eta per uniur innocen- tiam, omnes flerent innocenter, inde in hominer manante-juftitia , ubi ell ha- mana fufcepta Natura. i, e. But that he might repaire the life of alI , he undertook the caufe of all , ítt paying for all made void the force of the Old obligation , to the end that as by one mans guilt all were made finners, fo by one mans in nocency , all might become innocent; Ril;hteoufnef; coining, saw men thence, where the humane Nature is taken en,. 5 f1 3 Acta