Brown - BS2685 B86 1695

5 z o The Fathers and fonte Papi fßs , C x A P. t G. Auguf!.ad Laurent. cap. 41. Ipfe peccatum, ut nos juflitia; nec nofira , fed Dei Juraur : nee in nobis , fed in ipfo; ficut ipfe peccatum non 'nun: , fed n ®- firum ; nec in fe , fed to nobis- conftttutum , f militudine peccati, in qua crucifz- xus eft , demonfiravit. i e. He was fin as we were Righreoufriets, not our own, but of God , not in ourfelves but in him : as he did demonffrat him - felfto be fin , not his own , but ours; not in himlelf, but in us, by the fini_ lirud -e of fintull flesh , in which he was crucified. Ideal in Pf ál. 3 o. Conc. I. in tua !trig itia eroe me l? exime mc, quia non inve- nïftiin me juiitiam ream, eroe me in tua hocefi il /ud , quod me Bruit quod ine juftificat, quod ex impio plum facit , quad ex iniquo juJlum. i. e. Deliver mein thy Righteoufnefs. 13ecaufe thou didfl not findeiny Righteoufnefsin me,' deliver me in thine; that is, it which delivereth me , which jutlifieth me , that maketh me of ungodly godly , & czf unrighteous Righteous. Id. in Pfal. 70. Erue me in ju, jtitia aka , non in Inca , fed in tua ; fi enim in mea, ero exillir, c'e quibus :lle ait , ignorante, Dei jufiitiam, ¿5 fuamvo/en.. terconflituere, jtt/titix Dei non firnt fisbjetii, i. e. Deliver me in thy Righte- oufnefs. Not in mine , but in thine; for if in mine , I should beof them, of whom he faith , being ignorant of God's Righteoufnefs& willing to efla- blish their own , they did nor fubje& themfelves unto the Righteoufnefs of God. Id. Tom. 9. Trae. 3 . in roan. Omnes qui ex Adamo cum peccato , peccatorer, omnes qui per C/Iriftrrm julificati, jt!fii; non in Je , fed In illo ; nam in fe , f interroges , Adam pint; in í710 li onterroges, Chriftt flint. i. e. All that are of Adam with fin are `inners, all who are juflited by Chrift , are Righteous; not in themfelves , but in him ; for if you,,a_sk, what they are in themfelves, they are Adam's; ifyou ask what they are in him , they are Chrift's. Bernard. Serm. 61. in Cantic. Nunquid jtxfitias meal? Domine , memorabor juftitt e tux Jolius : ,I pia eft enim mea ; nempe fattus es rnrhi tu juflitia a Deo. Nunqusd verendum, ne non una duobus fufficiat ? non efi pallium breve, quod fecundurn Prophetam, non pof/itoperireduos , juflitia tua jufiitia.inxternum, te pariter d5 me operiet larga a:terna jufticia , e in me guidon operit n2ultitudi- nem deltt#orum. i. e. Shall I makemention of Riglreoufnefs ? Lora, I will make mention of thine only; for that is alío mine, becaufe thou art made of God unto me Righteoufnefs. Is it to be feared that that one shall not fer- ve two ? It is not a short cloak, that according to the Prophet , cannor co- vertwò; thy Righteoufnefs is an everlafling Righteoufnefs , & that large & eternal Righreoufnefs shall cover both thee & me, & in me indeed it shall cover a multitude of fins. Id. Dorn. t. poti Oltay. Epiph. Serm. t. Veruntamen , ut jam non fit quod eau- ferie, Ohorno, contra inobedtentiam Ad.e, datar tibi obedsentia Chrifli , ut f gratis venundatuses, gratis elf reditnarir. i. e. But, that thou ô man, should not have whereof to complean , fore againft the difobedience of Adam ( which he faid before, was imputed) the obedience of Chrift is given unto thee , to the end , that if thou be fold for nothing , thou shalt allo be redee- ,tned for nothing. ldeng Epiff. Iqo. ad Innocent. Pont. Ron. p,jrid namque ex fe agere p atom , 2Ie lime!