C H A P. I o. Approve tige Do `rive of Imputation. Sz t femel ami jj'am jufiitiaam recuperaret home, fervus peccati virgins diaboli ? aff- gnata efl ei preinde aliens , qui caruit Ina , i7',p fa f c efi. Venit Princeps mundi èr in Salvatore nnoninvenit quicquam, d.c cum nihilominus innocenti mantis inje- cit, jufliffime quoi tenebat amifit ; quando is qu: morts nibs! debebat , accepta mortis injuria , jure &urn qui obnoxius erat i? mortis debito 6' Diaboli folvit Do- minio Qua enim juflitia id fecundo cxigeretur ? homo fiquidem qui debtrit, homo qui folvit : nain fi units, inquit , pro omnibus mortuus efi , ergo omnes mortui [ant , at vi. fatisfadio unius omnibus irnputetur, ficutamnium peccata anus ille portavit , nec alter jam inveniatur , qui forte fecit , alter qui jatisfecit , quia Capot & Corpus unus efl Chr :flus. Satisfecit ergo Caput pro membru; Chriflut proVifceribur fuis ,&c. quod fi dixerit, Pater ruts addixit te , Pefpondebo, fed Fritter meat redemit me , cur non aliunde juflitia, quia aliunde reatus ? aline qui peccatorem confluait , alias qui ju flifrcai a peccato ? alter in femine , alter in fanguine. An peccatum in fernine peccatoris , & non juflitia in fanguine Chrifl: ? - non convenir fìlium portare iniquitatem patris , d9- fraterne fiers exor- tem ju /iaja. i. e. For what could man , a fervautof fin & abound flave of the devil , doors himfelf , to recover the Righteoufnefs , which he had once soli ? Therefore another is aflìgnedunto him , bccaufe he wanted his own , & the fame is fo. The Prince of the world came, & found nothing in the Saviour, & when notwithflanding he put hands on the Innocent, he loft thofe mot' juf1ly , when he held ; when he , who owed nothing to death , having received the injurie of death , he did by right loofe him , who was hable to the debt of death , & deliver him from the Dominion of Satan, for by what Right could he exact that the fecond time ? feing as it was man , who owed , lb it was man , who paved : for ifone , he faith , died for ail,. then are all dead, that , to wit , the Satisfaction of one, might be imputed to all , as that one did bear the fins of all ; Neither now is it found , that one did the wrong & another fatisfied , for the Head & the body are one Chrilt : the Head therefore did fatisfie for the members, Christ for his own bowels. But if he shall fay. Thy Father bound thee over; I shall anfwer , but my Brother bath redeemed me, why should not Righteoufnefs be from another;, as guilt was from another ? one who made man a finner, & another who ju- ftifieth'from fin the one in the feed , the other in blood. Wasfin in thefeed' of a (inner ; & shall not Righteoufnefs be in the bloud of Chrìft. It is not right , that the Son should bear the iniquity of the Father, & be defrauded cf the Righteoufnefs of his Brother. Idem. Serin. ad Milites Templi c. r. Qri peccati me >itum tulit , fuam nobit donardo juffitiam , ipfe meritis debitum folvit , & reddit vitam; fic narnque mortua morte, revertitur vita , quemadmodum ablato peccato redit juflitia ; por- ro more in Chrifîi morte fugatur , Ù Chrifli nobis juflitia imputatur 15c. Qui no- ffram dT induit carnern d? fubiit mortem, patas fuam nobis negabit jnfirtsam ?' Voluntarie incarnatur, voluntarie pa(j'ur , voluntarie crucifixus, fòlam d nobis retinebit jufluiam; afterward ibid. Unit; peceavit omnes tenentur re: , dT u. Mus rnnocentsa jolt reputabituruni ? Uniuc peccaturnomnibus operatum efi mor- tem , dT unies juflitia uni vitam reflituet ?. Hand Dei juflitia magic ad condemn nandum, quam ad reflaurandumvalait ? alit plus must Adam ira malo, quoins